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Hey there, user_xty34v, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forum regarding the issues with the app on your iPhone. Are you having issues with the Xfinity Stream app? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app to see if that helps?
There is an App on IPhone. There are 3 TV To Go. XFinity Stream. And TV Remote where you can tape a show from another State!! APP lists shows. You picked your show, and then RECORD. On your DVR at your home from a distant place. why did Comcast kill it. And why doesn’t Xfinity tell you this? No longer works sorry we ended this then I will end my subscription and do doing business with Xfinity! It was one of the reasons I use Xfinity. It sucks that they killed it!
109.1K Messages
7 days ago
The concern is not "Community Knowledge Base" related............
Gold Problem Solver
26.3K Messages
6 days ago
If you are asking about the "Xfinity TV Remote app", they killed it. See
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Official Employee
2.9K Messages
6 days ago
Hey there, user_xty34v, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forum regarding the issues with the app on your iPhone. Are you having issues with the Xfinity Stream app? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app to see if that helps?
9 Messages
4 days ago
Why did they Kill the Remote App on IPhone? It was easier. More private. And I am not sure how far away it works.