50 Messages
XR15 remote will not change TV input
My TV input source seems to be stuck on HDMI1. When I press the TV Input button, I see all of the selections for input sources, but I can not cycle between them to select a different source. It just stays on the current input (HDMI1). How can I correct this so that the remote operates properly?
Gold Problem Solver
26.1K Messages
2 days ago
On some sets pressing an Xfinity remote's "TV Input" button displays the TV's Input menu, then further presses cycle between the available inputs, and pausing for a few seconds changes to the selected input. But other sets require the user to press other keys to select an input, and/or an Enter or Select or OK key to switch to the new source.
If your set requires a key press other than Input you won't be able to use the X1 remote to change the input. X1 remotes send Enter/Select/OK to cable boxes, but not to TV sets. The only keys sent to TV sets are Input, Volume/Mute, and Power, and the remotes are not "learning" remotes.
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10 hours ago