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12 Messages

Monday, March 27th, 2023 9:54 PM



The XiD-C for one of my TV's has died... is there a third party device I can buy to replace the XiD-C?



234 Messages

2 years ago

Hi there, thank you for taking the time to reach out and make us aware of your concerns. I understand you are having some issues with equipment, and it would be my pleasure to help. Are you a current Xfinity residential customer? Can I ask where you got the XiD-C from initially?

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2 years ago

Yes... current customer. Box was from comcast. It give an error about not being able to download software. Light on box always displays red now.



234 Messages

2 years ago

Got it, thanks for confirming. I don't know about a third party device that can help, but we can absolutely look into replacing the box. You can go into your nearest Xfinity store, or we can move to a private chat get your account pulled up and look into getting it shipped out. I would normally do more troubleshooting, but with the light being red it most likely needs to be switched out. 

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12 Messages

@XfinityVanessa​ I can do a chat.... let me know what to do. Thanks

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