coogee's profile

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16 Messages

Saturday, May 9th, 2020 4:00 PM


XG2V2-P boxes zoom function in settings

  I have three new boxes that all work the same way. On these boxes in settings/device settings/video display you have a choice between full zoom or none. On the non-HD stations (HBO-W  for instance) the no zoom option will give an accurate small picture with black borders on all four sides. The full zoom option will just stretch the picture horizontally but not vertically so the picture is distorted.  As far as I can see, there is no way you can get an accurate picture that will fill the screen.  Any fixes for this? My old boxes didn’t have this problem.



24.6K Messages

5 years ago

@coogee wrote:

  I have three new boxes that all work the same way. On these boxes in settings/device settings/video display you have a choice between full zoom or none. On the non-HD stations (HBO-W  for instance) the no zoom option will give an accurate small picture with black borders on all four sides. The full zoom option will just stretch the picture horizontally but not vertically so the picture is distorted.  As far as I can see, there is no way you can get an accurate picture that will fill the screen.  Any fixes for this? My old boxes didn’t have this problem.

all normal. note that the 16:9 videos played on an SD channel will be presented in postage stamp form (curtains on all 4 sides). some local SD channels may appear as near 16:9 using AFD but so far that is not done for non-local channels. 

Frequent Visitor


16 Messages

5 years ago

 Like I said zoom on my old boxes worked fine to get an accurate full screen picture on the same channels that I’m talking about here-SD channels among the predominantly HD ones.  Why can’t these new boxes do the same? 

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