capun's profile

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11 Messages

Monday, August 10th, 2020 9:00 PM


XG1v4-A Manual


I just got the XG1v4-A cable box, I was searching for a manual with the specifications and instruaction manual, but I could not find it.




Accepted Solution

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

5 years ago

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

5 years ago

There isn’t really one, what are you looking for exactly. There’s lots of information out there and on this forum (use search function) but not a true manual.

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

5 years ago

Thanks for the info, it's not 100% what I needed.


I read that it has Bluetooth and need to  see the specs and how to pair-up devices.


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1 Message

5 years ago

To pair up bluetooth devices with the New 4K Xfinity DVR

Go in the settings on the DVR, go into devise settings, then into audio

Bluetooth devices with be the first option, select bluetooth devices and the DVR with start to scan for bluetooth devices within range that are turned on, select the device you want and it should pair immediately, that's step by step what I did to pair my DVR with my sound bar sound system
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