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6 Messages
Xg1-v4A Box and new Samsung Qseries not working
Two problems I have Samsungs lastest Q series 65" TVs. 1st problem is Samsung new remote does not connect with this Xfinity box unless you get 2' right in front of box. I even had Samsung send new remote and still nothing. This is RF remote like the Xfinity remote and should work box. Samsung works TV and Klispsh soundbar just fine.
2nd problem is setting Xfinity box now does not connect to TV when setting up with new remote
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago
For example
Gold Problem Solver
2K Messages
5 years ago
RF remotes shouldn't just work on other devices as their frequencies won't necessarily be the same, and X1 boxes need even Xfinity remotes to be programmed to the specific device.
Your Samsung remote will have an IR module, which will work, but the IR sensor on the Xfinity box is a small point just slightly to the right of LED, at the bottom, so it'll take a bit of aiming to use properly.
I'm using a Logitech Harmony Ultimate One + Harmony Hub and I had the same issue - I solved it by using an IR extender on the Hub, positioned just in front of the XG1V4 sensor.
1 Message
4 years ago
Now on the Samsung TV go to the sorce menu and scroll all the way to the right until you get to Universal Remote. Open it and click the up arrow next to your comcast device. Pair RF remote should be an option at the top now. Click it and follow the instuctions.
I'll be writing a blog post about it with picutres and everything in a day or two so it you don't get it working check my blog at
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
4 years ago