

13 Messages

Saturday, August 13th, 2022 5:55 PM


xg1v4 storage and rf remote control range

Can someone please share the usable RF range of the remote control for the XG1V4 4k X1 TV Box? As in, how far away from the receiver can you be and still have stable remote control of the UI via remote?

Also, how much internal hard drive storage does the XG1v4 have?

And does the USB port on the back of XG1v4 support external USB hard drive to expand local storage capacity?




24.6K Messages

3 years ago

I presume the issue is a different remote other than the aim-anywhere X1 paired remotes. The infrared RF receiver is on the front near the bottom of the xg1v4. to get better range especially if the box is below the user (for example in a cabinet below the receiver) put something under the front to tilt it up a bit. 



13 Messages

3 years ago

re-posting to make sure these three questions are as clear as possible:

1.) What is the usable RF range of the remote control that comes with the XG1V4 4k X1 TV Box?

2.) How much internal hard drive storage space does the XG1v4 have?

3.) Does the USB port on the back of XG1v4 support external USB hard drive to expand local storage capacity?



24.6K Messages

3 years ago

1) none published but is similar to zigbee (walls, glass doors in cabinets, closet doors in home entertainment closet, etc

2) 500 gb 'usable'. the firmware sets the available size to that no matter if size available is larger. They count hours (150 per DVR on the account) primarily now.

3) USB adds no storage no features but some report a keyboard isn't ignored but limited function. appears to be used in X1 for maintenance/diagnostics.



13 Messages

3 years ago

To answer my own questions;  if anyone else is looking for this information:

- RF remote control range for the XG1v4 appears to be quite good, 30 ft range appears stable.

- Storage is still unknown. There's no indication in any of the menu's how much storage is there, how much is used, how much available. There was nothing. But they do clearly indicate that recordings are going to sync with "the cloud" so apparently, this appears to be a tactic to consume huge amounts of bandwidth and chew away at people's monthly cap so they can bill more.

- Also an interesting thing to note;  there's an ethernet port on this device, but it's unusable. Apparently the XG1v4 has an internal cable modem and connects directly to the internet, instead of needing a separate network uplink. Similarly, the WiFi function is also not there. With this revelation, it's clear there's basically no way to track how much bandwidth this device is steaming and consuming. Guess you'll only find out when they alert you about exceeding your monthly FAP and start changing $$$ per gig.

- The USB port - also disabled.  Tried connecting an external HD to this port for local storage, it wasn't even recognized. Again, this points to the monetization of excessive bandwidth consumption due to forcing customers into "cloud" DVR "feature".

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

3 years ago

The cable boxes are not exclusive to Comcast. Other cable systems use versions of them. It's not unusual for all cable boxes to have ports that are disabled. Even way back with the DCT series, there were USB and Ethernet ports. The USB ports were disabled for data, but can supply power to run a light or maybe even charge a device.

This is what I see in the diagnostics pages for DVR Info.

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

3 years ago

Forgot to add that the XG1v4 appears to use an SSD. From the diagnostics, it looks like it may have 2 drives. The 'external' is physically internal, but maybe an 'external' card plugged into a connector.



13 Messages

@andyross​ Is there a secret ket sequence to get to that screen?  I've looked and it seems not easy to find for xg1v4.



24.6K Messages

3 years ago

no matter which 'modem' (gateway) is used, bytes consumed while on your home internet do not count the bytes used for streaming content from Comcast's own servers (recordings, on-demand). using a device to view out of home channels 'may' count (or might not). 



13 Messages

@Rustyben​ Thanks, that's good to know.  But really,  how do I know that?  Is there any way to track utilization at an account level to realistically know what packets are getting FAP'd vs data usage Comcast deems "does not count" towards your monthly total?

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

3 years ago

To get the diagnostic screen on X1: Hold EXIT for at least 5 seconds, then release. Press down-arrow twice, then the number 2. Timing is a bit tight on the arrow/number sequence. On slower boxes, it may take a few seconds for the screens to appear. 



13 Messages

@andyross​ Have been looking at this over and over. Can see the two hard drives also listed in the diag screen like you showed, but it seems like none of the DVR recordings are actually getting stored locally. There is no concept of local vs. cloud DVR storage on this XG1v4 box. It's only cloud, as evidenced by navigating the "Stream portal" https://www.xfinity.com/stream/ all my recordings I thought were local, are somehow showing up in the cloud. I suspect the 2nd "External" drive listed is actually a cloud connected 500 GB NAS that gets allocated for each customer. All recordings get uploaded there. Although I also suspect that almost no one at Xfinity even knows how this works, and the ones that do certainly aren't monitoring this forum. Cloud storage is the only way to explain the horrible performance. They have to be pulling down the content on demand, this is why they add super high data rate internet speed packages for X1 customers.  If they didn't, the performance would be even more horrible and unusable than it already is.

Official Employee


455 Messages

Hello @user_888b4 I am sorry to hear that you are continuing to have issues. I would like to look into this further for you. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

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Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

3 years ago

Using the Xfinity app on a device to view "cable" stuff will not count. On a box, anything in the Apps screen will count as data. If you search for a show, and it has an "Internet" tag, then that also uses data. 

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