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XG1V4 box HDMI handshake problem
I have seen several messages/questions in this forum about problems with the XG1V4 box losing its HDMI connection with the TV. But in none of those threads does there appear to be a resolution, so I am going to try to bring up the question/problem again.
My setup:
XG1V4 connected via UHD high-speed HDMI cable to Samsung UN65JU6500 TV.
The TV and XG1V4 work fine together for the whole day. Then, the next morning, when I turn the TV on I get a black screen. I can resolve the problem by rebooting the XG1V4 (obviously not an acceptable way of dealing with the problem). Occassionally, without needing to reboot, I can get the box and the TV to communicate correctly by first connecting the XG1V4 to a much older non-UHD Samsung TV, getting that TV to show correctly, and then connecting the XG1V4 to the UN65JU6500. But that doesn't always work. In any event, even when I do get it to work correctly, it quits working again the next morning. Rinse and repeat.
Elsewhere on these forums there have been a couple of suggested fixes. First, turn off PowerSave. I have done that. Second, make sure you have a UHD high-speed cable. I have done that. Third, make sure that you have the latest firmware on the TV and on the XG1V4 box. I have done that.
From reading the various threads on this issue, it appears that it is an HDCP 2.2 issue that is causing the XG1V4 and the TV to have a problem establishing an HDMI handshake. And several Comcast employees suggested that the problem has been sent back to the tech folks to find a solution. But unless I have missed it, I don't see any notice of a resolution.....
28 Messages
6 years ago
IMO, it will not be resolved until Comcast actually offers 4K programing. As long as its only Netflix or Amazon Prime, they'll never fix it.
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5 Messages
6 years ago
The problem has been resolved, I had to go back to the older box version. Engineer #5 came and admitted this issue and Comcast has no 4k capability in any of its broadcasts and this issue would not be resolved until it did. Trouble now is they charged me a $39.99 installation fee for the new "Old" box and promised to reimburse on my bill but they did not. I'm estimating 7 hours of my time used to research this problem, 3 times I've had to explain to my teams at work why I'm leaving early to go home and meet an xfinity engineer who did not know what the problem was and simply replace the box.
Working in the IT industry it would have been far better QOS had xfinity made a incident post to all of their engineers there is a known issue with the XG1V4 box it would have saved a lot of my time and theirs as well. And now I have to argue with them about the install charge which will take more of my time. I've been a Comcast customer since 1995, the product has been good over the years but the QOS and customer service has been going down hill.
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1 Message
5 years ago
I have the EXACT same issue with the same Samsung S-UHD TV - a top of the line tv that's only 2 years old and which had ZERO problems with Xfinity until their new Xfinity1 box came out. Every single morning it requires a reboot of the TV.
58 Messages
5 years ago
To reiterate :
1. Make sure UHD setting is off to the HDMI port you are using
2. Turn on cable box Power Saver
These two changed should resolve the problem. I've been trouble free for months.
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
how do I send a PM in this forum?
I have the same handshake issue, Samsung UHD TV.
Yes, if I turn off UHD I don't have to reboot the box everyday, but then I have to go in and change it every time I want to watch something in 4 K.
The box needs a firmware fix.
61 Messages
5 years ago
Click on the persons forum name Upper left corner and send the message from there.
Also, I to have a 2017 Q7 75" Samsung and been dealing with the issue since November 2018. Several on the forum indicated that it really does not make any difference if the port has the UHD turned off or not because that the picture quality will always be 4k if all the settings are correct on the X1 and the TV After months of experimenting with watching 4K on YouTube, Amazon and Netflix with UHD off and On, I came to the conclusion that I could not see any difference in picture quality with it on or off so I have been leaving it off. 4K quality was always great
Try it out and see what "your eyes" tell you. However, Comcast SHOULD fix the issue. Period.
Anyway Good Luck
58 Messages
5 years ago
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5 Messages
5 years ago
I've been a Comcast customer since 1995, I'm always told how much they appreciate me being a long time customer but the volume of repeat visits by engineers and phone calls to their support reps to troubleshoot issues has been on a significant increase.
I've elected to remain a long time customer even though the costs have increased because of the hassle of switching to Direct TV or Dish especially with mixed packages. I'm not as concerned about the handshaking issue with the XG1V4 as I am with this "should" have been a known issue engineers and reps and 21 hours of my time needing to take off from work to resolve and discover on my own what the issue was is a game changer. Technical issues arise with any carrier, how they manage issues, compensate and serve their customer base is the game changer.
I don't know if I'm going to switch carriers or not, but I'm now going to investigate the cost difference and research QOS on the other carriers.
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1 Message
5 years ago
Problem Solver
857 Messages
5 years ago
My reconnection problem disappeared 6 months ago when I disabled the UHD connection. 2 weeks ago as a test I turned the UHD back on in my Samsung TV and today for the first time I had the reconnect problem again and had to disconnect the HDMI cable to reconnect.
24.6K Messages
5 years ago
is your DVR connected to the receiver or the TV. many have reported that connecting the HDMI to the receiver solves the issue.
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1 Message
5 years ago
This problem started on my setup a few months ago, a setup that hasn't changed for many months. I have Samsung UHD. I can't say what the Xfinity box is without checking. I have tested and tested and have come to the conclusion that if I turn the power off via the Xfinity remote too soon after doing anything else with the remote, such as change a channel or return from On Demand after watching a show, or return from smart mode on the TV, back to the Xfinity box and immediately turn off via the remote, the next time I want to turn on to watch, the Xfinity box is MIA. This started about the same time as it started not returning to where I left off watching an on demand show if I returned to it later to resume. Sometimes it returns to as much as a couple minutes back from where I left off. I have proven to myself that if I change channel on Xfinity, return from On Demand, or return to Xfinity from my smart TV, as long as I give it a few minutes on one channel before hitting power off with the Xfinity remote, it will work fine in the morning.
Do not tell me this is my TV's fault, or an HDMI cable. This exact issue started on the very same day with a neighbor who has a Sony smart TV. As a computer guy, I'm pretty sure this is some sort of memory issue with the Xfinity box where it can't remember where it was or what it was doing or know that it should be looking for a "handshake", if it was very recently asked to do something before the power off was requested by the remote.
When the Xfinity box is MIA, I just turn it off and on with the front power button. In a couple minutes, it shows that it's alive, and then starts working.
New Poster
2 Messages
5 years ago
Thank you!
This worked for me!
New Poster
2 Messages
5 years ago
Thank you!
This worked for me!