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2 Messages
X1 to Component cables (with adaptor) issues
Helping my aunt and her TV. She recently upgraded to X1. Previously, her old box was connected to her TV via Component Cables YPbPr and optical cable through her receiver. Due to the wire configuration in her home (wires go under the home and through the walls to her TV), we need to keep the Component Cables. When she up graded to X1, there is no component option, so we bought a converter. Initially it works well, then overnight, we lose the picture (while keeping sound). Unplugging the HDMI cable from the converter and plugging it in to a monitor and then reconnecting it to the Component adaptor brings back the picture, but again it is lost overnight. Interestingly, just unplugging and plugging the HDMI cable back into the adaptor (without connecting the HDMI to a monitor first) does not temporarily fix the problem. Any idea what we can do to prevent this from happening? Is there some setting in the box I need to change?
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
4 years ago
Hello, @rsmarcolin! Thank you so much for reaching out to Comcast today over our Community Forums! You are a great person for helping your Aunt out with her Comcast equipment concerns.
It sounds like you have taken the right steps with using a converter, or conversion cables so the X1 TV box will connect to the TV. You may want to check on the resolution settings on the X1 TV box, they may need to be adjusted to the TV specs. This link will show you where to find those settings:
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
4 years ago
It’s basically a handshake issue between box and adapter, not much you can do about it. There are component dvrs but that’s it with component ports and they are the very first model of X1 dvr. Maybe @ComcastMartinR can hook you up with one or try your local service center
Official Employee
2.9K Messages
4 years ago
Our X1 boxes as overviewed with the link: are not equipped with component connections. The best would be to use an HDMI cable but if the TV does not have that connection then the conversion is what's needed as you have already done. Have you changed the settings on the TV to see if this alleviates the issue of the picture not working?
New Poster
2 Messages
4 years ago
So, you don't think a change in settings on the box will alleviate the issue? Need a component equipped X1 DVR box?
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
4 years ago
Per the link above look at the details for Pace XG1V1