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235 Messages

Monday, October 6th, 2014 2:00 PM


X1 Technical Issues

Welcome to the new "X1 Technical Issues" thread. We ask that you post all of your X1 related technical issues (Audio, Set Top Box, etc.) here. 


Below, you will find links to X1 Help articles that may assist you in resolving your technical issue:


Xfinity TV: Basic Troubleshooting

Find and Troubleshoot Error Codes


Thank you in advance for posting!

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539 Messages

7 years ago

@CCKenF wrote:

Hey tctc and TerriB, I tried this on my cable box in the office and I have buffer when I turn on the tv. I can rewind successfully the previous couple hours (?) of content when the TV was off. One thing we haven't tried is comparing system settings just to make sure we have similar activated options. 


Tctc, the firmware on your DVR boxes look good and are up to date. I did run a health check on one of your DVR boxes and there was slow packet traffic on some tunnels. Additionally, there are a few T3 timeouts on both boxes (and your modem for that matter) which are a little concerning. Often time, this timeouts represent connectivity issues from the network which might be an indicator of why you aren't seeing the buffer. 

Hi Ken, thanks for looking into it and trying to help.

Yes, I have had connectivity issues since I got X1 in October of 2014.  Slower server response than what others describe almost all of the time, intermittent error messages, and internet drops on a regular basis.  Have had all my equipment replaced at least once, cables re-run, and work done on the drop.  No one has been able to figure out the issue, or combination required to get it going well.  Almost all reps and techs have been super nice, and very confident they could help, but alas no luck so far.  I keep hoping one day maybe something in my local area will change, or a new upgrade will come out and I'll get a better experience.


Last night there wasn't a buffer after exiting a show on the DVR.  That seems to be normal behavior after exiting On Demand (why I don't know), but usually have buffer after exiting a recording.


2 nights ago I had a bunch of old recordings show up in my listings.  Tried playing them and got an XRE-06026 error message.  Pretty annoying when you have several episodes of something like the Tonight Show recorded and you don't know which episode you left off on and have to try to play an episode, then get the error, and that kicks you out of recordings, then you have navigate back in, remember which episode that was, delete the episode, and repeat, until you find a real episode that's actually watchable and on the DVR...


Also, stunningly the delete error is still alive and well.  Looking forward to seeing what useless new updates are rolled out this month instead of fixing the current issues.

Official Employee


8K Messages

7 years ago


That's pretty weird. Do you remember the other shows? I'd like to check if they're still on the cloud (if they ever were). 


Gotcha, thanks for catching me up on the deletion issue. Is this something that persists even after a cable box exchange?


I just sent a signal to address the XRE-06026 code. The Today Show wasn't listed so I couldn't push it to that exact program so I sent it to all programs instead. 



539 Messages

7 years ago

@CCKenF wrote:

Tctc, those old recordings just randomly showed up? Were they on the cloud before? That error code came up for the Tonight Show correct? 


I think this is the first time I've heard about your issues with deleting. Are you able to delete some recordings but not others? Apologies if this is something I overlooked. 

Hi Ken,  Yes, maybe a dozen recordings just randomly showed up.  I rarely look at the cloud, so don't know, it's possible, as when I have checked the cloud in the past it rarely matches my DVR.  They're gone now.  I deleted a few of them that night, and then in the next day or so they were all gone again.


The delete issue is an ongoing issue that's widely discussed in the forums and as far as I can tell has affected almost everyone.  Certain recordings just don't delete, then generally, but not always, go away after a reboot.  Also sometimes it will show you have a number of episodes that is greater than the number that actually exist.


I'll try to attach a photo of the error message I received when I tried to watch the magically reappearing recordings, and one of it showing 6 episodes when there are clearly only 3.




2 Attachments

Official Employee


8K Messages

7 years ago

Tctc, those old recordings just randomly showed up? Were they on the cloud before? That error code came up for the Tonight Show correct? 


I think this is the first time I've heard about your issues with deleting. Are you able to delete some recordings but not others? Apologies if this is something I overlooked. 



539 Messages

7 years ago

@CCKenF wrote:


That's pretty weird. Do you remember the other shows? I'd like to check if they're still on the cloud (if they ever were). 


Gotcha, thanks for catching me up on the deletion issue. Is this something that persists even after a cable box exchange?


I just sent a signal to address the XRE-06026 code. The Today Show wasn't listed so I couldn't push it to that exact program so I sent it to all programs instead. 



The cloud looks like it matches my DVR right now (although it says 72% full, when I'm sure I'm only at twentysomething on the DVRs, but that's a separate known issue that apparently won't be resolved).  The recordings disappeared, probably after the next reboot.


From what I've read, everyone on the forums has the deleting issue intermittently, haven't heard of anyone changing boxes and it going away.  The recording isn't on the box any more, if you try to play it you get an error message, so it's a server side issue.




3.1K Messages

7 years ago

Ken, look up 'ghost deletes' in the forums. This is a very old problem and it is getting worse. Rarely in the last two weeks have we been able to delete any recorded show after we watch it unless we use 'sync dvr'  as a work around which I am getting tired of doing or wait overnight. If we try to bring the show back up from the list to try to delete again it tells us the DVR is not working right now...yadda yadda.  Incorrect! Nothing wrong except to delete shows. Have tried more than one way to delete but nothing works. Like I said...age old problem and never been fixed. Sometimes it appears to be better but lately I can't even think of a show that I have been able to delete 'on command'.  Seems like such a simple task doesn't? We end up with a long list of 'blue lined' watched shows and its really annoying.

Official Employee


8K Messages

7 years ago

I'm going to hold off on reaching out to tech ops for you TerriB, because I'm seeing a few signal issues on my end from your cable box and also you modem. I'd like to send a few signals to isolate the issue. Let me know when I can do so. 



539 Messages

7 years ago

@CCKenF wrote:

Tctc, I have heard from a few customers about the percentage mismatch issue for the cloud DVR and box DVR. If no recordings are missing from the cloud vs the native box, that is a good sign. The Cloud storage and native box can contain up to 60hours of SD programming. I know a few older boxes held 50 hours, if I'm not mistaken. Perhaps the mismatch comes from there? 



TerriB, did you ever exchange the box to remedy the deletion problem? 

There's a whole thread on the mismatch, which I believe is due to the calculation of Cloud storage being based on hours instead of file size, and a limited amount of storage being allocated to the Cloud, which is not related to your DVR capabilities, which in my case is high since I'm paying for 2 DVRs.  (A policy which makes no sense, your Cloud allocation should match what you're paying for on your DVR service.)

Official Employee


8K Messages

7 years ago

Tctc, I have heard from a few customers about the percentage mismatch issue for the cloud DVR and box DVR. If no recordings are missing from the cloud vs the native box, that is a good sign. The Cloud storage and native box can contain up to 60hours of SD programming. I know a few older boxes held 50 hours, if I'm not mistaken. Perhaps the mismatch comes from there? 



TerriB, did you ever exchange the box to remedy the deletion problem? 

Official Employee


8K Messages

7 years ago

I see what you're saying tctc. I will open up a formal investigation with our corporate tech team for your X1 cloud DVR mismatch issues tctc and TerriB. Perhaps we can get some more insight there form tech ops. I'll also include the intermittent deletion problem too. 



3.1K Messages

7 years ago

@CCKenF wrote:

I'm going to hold off on reaching out to tech ops for you TerriB, because I'm seeing a few signal issues on my end from your cable box and also you modem. I'd like to send a few signals to isolate the issue. Let me know when I can do so. answer earlier I have never swapped the box out due to the deletion issue. Its a system wide problem.


You can send signals whenever you wish. Never had this done before...will it shut off the box and the modem? If so hope not for too long.....




3.1K Messages

7 years ago

@CCKenF wrote:

TerriB, yes some of the signals will reboot your DVR once it's received but for only a few minutes. So if you are in the middle of recording something, we can send it another time, or if you're in the middle of a show. 

Its fine to do it now if you can. Never after 7...dinner is over and we are either watching live or recordings. Hubby would freak out if it went I am retired but he works hard and looks forward to his TV . We are EDT by the way.


******On second thought might be better to do it in the morning. I will be here all day and we can 'talk' on here after you perform the tests. Bad t storm here now so I am shutting down the computer.


Official Employee


8K Messages

7 years ago

TerriB, yes some of the signals will reboot your DVR once it's received but for only a few minutes. So if you are in the middle of recording something, we can send it another time, or if you're in the middle of a show. 

Official Employee


8K Messages

7 years ago

Thanks for that info, Rustyben. It definitely sounds like an issue with the cloud portion of the DVR. So it turns out that the XRE-06026 error code is a known issue that is being investigated. I'm going to keep an eye on it and update the thread once I have something. 



24.6K Messages

7 years ago

@CCKenF the ghost listings after deletion are 'only' cured by either a reboot or 'sync DVR' (I happen to have 3 DVRs). There are two flavors of ghost listings of deleted programs, first gives you 'your DVR service is not working ...' the second gives you a regular menu on the already deleted recording and in fact you can play it from that second type of listing. Either type is 'removed' after doing 'sync DVR command' (which I asked to be added to voice command like 'about' is added).

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