37 Messages
X1 dvr recording limit changes/problems?
I’m so confused about what is going on with my x1 this morning. I have 2 x1 dvr boxes, percentage full has consistently stayed around 22-25% full the last several months with around 130 recordings give or take. All of a sudden this morning, my system says 91% full. There is a new notice in my menu saying you are limited to 150 hours of recordings and do I want to upgrade for another $10 a month?
What is going on? Did this pop up out of nowhere for anyone? I don’t recall seeing any notices of major changes or anything. I already have 2 x1 dvrs, the official Comcast site says I should then already have the “300 hour limit” due to that. I’m so confused what is happening, why my system changed so drastically overnight, and why it is trying to get me to “upgrade” to something I should already be getting. Does anyone have any advice what I should do? Just thought I’d try posting here first as I am dreading having to call in for this if it’s a new issue that isn’t even known much yet or not.
What is going on? Did this pop up out of nowhere for anyone? I don’t recall seeing any notices of major changes or anything. I already have 2 x1 dvrs, the official Comcast site says I should then already have the “300 hour limit” due to that. I’m so confused what is happening, why my system changed so drastically overnight, and why it is trying to get me to “upgrade” to something I should already be getting. Does anyone have any advice what I should do? Just thought I’d try posting here first as I am dreading having to call in for this if it’s a new issue that isn’t even known much yet or not.
37 Messages
4 years ago
72 Messages
4 years ago
Last question. How can we see how much room is left on our own DVRs instead of just the cloud? Or do we not have that capability anymore?? And since I’m not the only one who’s asked that question will you please answer it in the forum so we’re all aware once and for all?
New Poster
1 Message
4 years ago
You are a life saver! I just downloaded the app and I see that the % under DVR manager says 52% even though my actual dvr says 93%. Thanks so much for sharing this information!
Regular Visitor
3 Messages
4 years ago
Thanks to those who have let us know that the percentage full represents cloud storage.
It seems the only way I know of to find out how much space is being taken up by recordings on the physical DVR is to go into the Xfinity TV Remote app and look under "DVR Manager" --> "My Recordings".
37 Messages
4 years ago
Thank you for this clarification, this is the info I’d been trying to get to with this whole thread to understand better. I’m somewhat new to the forum, I do not see how to tag specific users/posts in my replies, so I’d been trying to thank Tek directly/ask just a couple more questions, but I’m not sure how. If anyone has any tips how to tag, much appreciated.
So, my main question left now after your confirmation is pretty much the same as the one above from amybth. If we can now record well over the 100% full display notice on our DVR, how do we tell now what our real “recording limit” is, and how close we are to it? I know this change to the display may seem minor to whoever designed it/rolled it out, but trust me, it is HUGE to lots of end users. It pretty much changes years and years of engrained learned behavior, since my first DVR ever really, of that feeling of “oh no, getting really high on my % full, need to watch and delete lots of shows, or decide what all ones to delete now unwatched.” I guess I’m just still struggling a little in feeling safe to “push it past 100% now and just see when I can’t record any more” and sort of wishing that Comcast could figure out some way to keep showing us what the real % full on our local dvr is. Is there any advice you could provide on how to know how full it really is for us moving forward? Thanks.
Regular Visitor
2 Messages
4 years ago
Starting last week this problem has gotten a lot worse. I had about 90% space used. When I was deleting things to make more room, I saw that I had the option to increase my DVR space for an additional 10 dollars. I clicked on it and my 90% went down to 40%. I was happy to have more room until stuff started disappearing over the next 2 days. I spent the next 24 hours talking to multiple people who didn't see anything wrong but promised me that I had room to record.
Unfortunately stuff has started disappearing again. According to my DVR I am only using 56% but I have lost over 10 hours of programming. I spoke with 2 customer service people yesterday who said that someone would call me today. They never did and I am still losing more programs. I know I will never get these back which is upsetting but the fact that I am paying more for this to happen is really not fair.
39 Messages
4 years ago
The space usage readout on my X1 box went from roughly 90% down to roughly 40% about a week ago. When I look at what I have in the cloud, it does indeed seem to be about 60 hours, or 40% of 150, so that seems consistent with the explanation that it may now be reading out the % capacity used in the cloud instead of the box (XG1-A).
My question (and advance apologies if this has already been addressed): If my box's hard drive becomes full, will it let me set additional recordings from the box, and automatically put these recordings (only) in the cloud? And if so, will I still be able to watch them on TV at home from the box's recordings menu, the same as when the hard drive was *not* full? I'm guessing the answers to all these questions will be "yes," but would like to confirm (or be informed otherwise if applicable). Thanks.
Regular Visitor
2 Messages
4 years ago
Regular Visitor
4 Messages
4 years ago
I was told by comcast employer that i would have to pay if i went over 20 hrs on my dvr i would be extra 10 bucks
49 Messages
4 years ago
I have the same exact problem and it began Feb 24. I have talked to numerous representatives at Comcast to no resolution. They have told me there is a "national" ticket on this problem but so far no fix. If you add additional recordings you will run the risk of your oldest recordings being auto-deleted. Can't tell you how many man hours on the phone I've spent with trying to get this resolved. Comcast should not be asking you to pay an additional 10 per month to increase your storage capacity when technically you should still have storage capacity. Big problem!
1 Message
4 years ago
Same problem here. I've spent well over 3 hours, speaking to 12 different reps. My usage went from around 20% to 80% overnight. The tier one reps always try to get me to restart the boxes (I have 3) and eventually pass me on to tier 2 or managers. I deleted a bunch of recordings to bring it down to 61%. They find that rather than the 61%, I am only using around 15% of the total storage on my 3 boxes and cloud storage. Eventually saying it's "a problem on their end." This forum has explained the issue much more clearly.
I'd really like to get the storage display resolved and understand how it impacts my ability to record, share between the 3 dvrs and stream.
1 Message
4 years ago
Yes.. it appears Comcast can renegotiate terms of our contracts mid cycle.. but we cannot. This is not a good business practice.
2 Messages
4 years ago
I have the same problem as of this afternoon. And you say "You don't need to worry about recordings being deleted." However, many hours of recordings were deleted from my account and I see I went overnight to 90% capacity and only 20 hours of recording time. Looks like Comcast/Xfinity trying to get an extra $10/month from their customers without a word of advance notice or explanation.
1 Message
4 years ago
Got home from a trip, wanted to watch some recorded TV and Xfinity without notice changed the DVR record memory and deleted all my stuff. Now they want $10 per month to go back to what I had. This service stinks.
6 Messages
4 years ago
This is not good business practice from Xfinity and you will lose a lot of customers, me being one. I cannot access any of my recordings unless I pay $10 additional per month? This is not the contract I previously signed. I'll be contacting Corporate Monday!