Frequent Visitor
5 Messages
X1 Box exchanged in Living Room now the X1 Box in Bedroom won't connect
The X1 box in the living room was exchanged after failing to work (it was old) and the new one installed yesterday is working fine. However, now the X1 box in the bedroom that was working just fine before yesterday won't connect to Xfinity. Have done multiple resets, restarts. unplugged and restarted, even was on the phone with Xfinity for over an hour and they couldn't fix it. Nothing was touched before or changed in the bedroom set up, just the X1 box was changed in the living room.
Any suggestions other than canceling service?
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
4 years ago
Hello, @Konj! Thank you so much for reaching out to Comcast today over our Community Forums! I do apologize that your X1 TV box is not working after an equipment swap with your other X1 TV box. Normally, that should not happen unless the Moca network has been interrupted. We would be more than happy to take a look at this issue for you, you have come to the right place! To get started, please send us a Private Message with your first and last name.
To send a private message, please click my name "ComcastMartinR" then select "Send a Message" on the right side.
Thank you!
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
4 years ago
What was the old box and what was the replacement box?
Frequent Visitor
5 Messages
4 years ago
Frequent Visitor
5 Messages
4 years ago
Just letting you know I have sent you a PM with my first and last name.
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
4 years ago
Frequent Visitor
5 Messages
4 years ago
Main Box Model PX013ANM; S/N MA1531EG1995
Bedroom Small Box XiD-P Model: Pace PXD014ANI; /N PAM60466560
Since replacing the Main Box (above is the new one), the Main Box works properly but the small box won't connect. I have refreshed, restarted, unplugged, etc. and nothing works. They both were working before the main box was replaced. We replaced the small box yesterday and have exhausted all options except having a technician come out, which we do not want to do during COVID. This should be able to be handled over the phone, but we can't seem to get anyone with expert knowledge. I have had 3 lengthy calls, all failed and tried the same exact things. All the cables are tight and correctly attached. I would attach images of boxes and tvs but this doesn't allow. Can anyone help?
Official Employee
263 Messages
4 years ago
Did you try restarting the main box and then the smaller box?
Official Employee
1.2K Messages
4 years ago
I see that the new XiD is not on your moca network which is needed so it can talk to the main DVR box. Can you try enabling MoCa on your internet gateway? You might need support ( to help with that if you are unable to do so yourself. Sorry, I don't have access to those tools.
Frequent Visitor
5 Messages
4 years ago
Thanks, we had a technician come out Saturday and the coax outside had problems that he fixed plus he installed a mocha filter. TV is ok now but internet keeps kicking off a laptop in a room that is not in the same room as the Surfboard SVG2482AC. Is there a booster that would help?