

2 Messages

Saturday, November 19th, 2022 1:40 PM


Won't wake up from nap mode

I have had to restart my cable box every morning for months. From what I've read, the tv box goes into energy saver or nap mode overnight but then the power button on the remote, nor any other button, does not "wake it up." Pushing the button on the top of the box doesn't do anything either so unplugging and plugging it back in is the only thing I can think to do. I thought it was an issue with the box and got a new one last week, but this is still happening. Oddly, this doesn't happen to the other tv boxes in the house, nor does it happen if the tv was off all day. It only happens in the mornings. Any ideas on how to fix this?



340 Messages

2 years ago

Hello, greenfieldsheryl I am terribly sorry to hear you have had this issue everyday for months. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. I, too, have the same experience. What I do to wake up the cable box is first turn on the tv using the Xfinity remote and then press the Xfinity button. It can also take a few seconds after you turn on the tv for the box to turn on. Can you try this process and let met me know if that works? 







2 Messages

@XfinityYvonne​ Thank you for the idea but unfortunately that didn't work either. It is weird because I know it isn't this box since I replaced it last week. But this doesn't happen to the other tv box in the house. 

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

Are the two cable boxes different models? It looks like some of our cable boxes are capable of HDMI device control. 


You would want to make sure this power preference is off since it is on by default. Settings > Device Settings > Power Preferences > HDMI Device Control (HDMI-CEC) > Off or On

You can also change the power settings to turn off the power saving mode. 

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19 Messages

2 years ago

We are having a very similar issue: after having been in "nap" mode, it is usually possible to turn the box on/wake it from its "nap," but not to control it fully — can only watch the channel it is on, does not respond to "Guide" or "Xfinity" or other apps from the remote. Sometimes if we wait 15-20 minutes, it will start working fully, but sometimes not. Sometimes restarting the box or doing a system refresh works, sometimes not. Often the only thing that works is to unplug, wait, and plug back in.

This started being a problem about three or four months ago. Finally, like @greenfieldsheryl, we went and got a new box. Same thing. Then we got another new box, this time the wireless Xi6. Same thing, or similar.

We'll probably call xfinity help again, but we're honestly very tired of all of the time and effort that we've already spent on this, given that (1) it used to work just fine; and (2) we pay a lot of (frankly too much) money for this service and shouldn't have to work at all to get it working, let alone this much.

Problem Solver


954 Messages

Hello @stu_329512. I am sad to hear about this and can only imagine the headache this must be giving you. It has been a couple of days. Are you still having issues, or were you able to get this resolved? 

I no longer work for Comcast.



19 Messages

@XfinityAaron​ Hi Aaron somehow I did not get notified of your reply. Yes, we are still having a variant of this problem: when we first turn on the TV and box very frequently we cannot control it, i.e. we can only watch live TV on whatever channel it was last on. We cannot change channels, we cannot access saved programs, the guide, etc. Or rather, there is a delay of 5 to 15 minutes between our hitting the button on the remote and whatever app it is that controls the box responding (at which point it will do whatever we tried to get it to do 12 minutes ago). Usually about ≈15 minutes into watching we finally get control back in the present.

It is incredibly annroying and something that as I said has happened in different forms over three different cable boxes. We also updated to a new Gateway (an XB7-T), and to make sure it wasn't the WiFi to the box, we've even now connected the Xi6 to the Gateway via an ethernet cable and are still having this problem. It is frustrating enough and has been going on long enough now that we're probably going to have to start looking into alternatives — especially since with xFinity TV having decided its going to be a streaming service anyway in the way it delivers TV to us, it no longer offers the greater reliability that true cable TV is supposed to.


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406 Messages

This is very unusual, especially since it has happened with more than one box. Just to confirm, you are using a new remote with each successive box, correct?

I no longer work for Comcast.



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@XfinityTimothy​ Yes. The way the problem has manifested has been slightly different over different boxes but it is still there. I doubt the issue is with the remotes but rather with the way the signal is processed, given that it (usually) *eventually* responds, sometimes many minutes after a button is pushed.

Given that other people have posted here about similar issues (see @BIslander's reply below), I don't think it's true that it is "highly unusual," nor is it particularly helpful to tell me that.

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546 Messages

@stu_329512 Let's take a deeper look. To get started, and to locate the account, please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address. Thanks!

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I no longer work for Comcast.

Problem Solver


359 Messages

2 years ago

There's another thread in this X1 section where 4K boxes exhibit the same symptoms of showing one channel, but not responding to any buttons on the remote.   In that thread, the trigger is not a nap, rather it is switching to the Xfinity input on an AVR after watching something on a different input.  That's the problem I have.   I've talked and chatted with several tech support agents and none of them seem to be aware of the issue which looks to be not uncommon.



19 Messages

@BIslander​ Thanks we haven't had problems (that we've noticed) when switching from a different HDMI input.

But the part about Comcast people not being aware of the problem and having no idea what's going on despite it being not uncommon rings very, very true, unfortunately.


Problem Solver


359 Messages

@stu_329512​ Seems like the same basic issue, although with different triggers.  The symptoms suggest it has something to do with the HDMI handshake.  

UPDATE: I strongly suspect HDMI-CEC is involved.  I turned it off on my XG1v4 and switched away to watch programs on my Firestick then switched the AVR back to Xfinity and the remote continued to work.   Only time for brief testing tonight and I'll get back at it more rigorously the next couple of days.   So, not calling it fixed. 

HDMI-CEC can be flaky, especially with different vendors.  My other 4K setup also has an XG1v4, but an older Denon AVR.  I have HDMI-CEC set to On in that room and I've never had this problem.  It could be the two Denons send slightly different commands to the Xfinity box when the user changes inputs.

I'd turn off HDMI-CEC in the AVR and TV, too, except that I need them on to feed audio from the TV apps and so that the receiver will automatically switch to the TV Audio input on its own when using a TV app like Netflix.  But, as best I can tell, the only value to CEC on the XG1v4 is that the box goes to stand by when the AVR turns off, which would explain why that setting is buried under Power Preferences.  Not a big deal.  




19 Messages


Thank you, did not see your reply and don't understand why sometimes I get notified about replies on here and sometimes not.

I will try turning off the HDMI-CEC — but does that mean having to go back to using the TV remote to control the TV? It is much easier to just use the xfinity remote for on/off, volume, etc.

Should mention that we have an xi6 (new box we were given a few months ago to try to *stop* these problems) not an XG1v4. Not sure if this makes any difference. Not a big fan of the xi6 — we are paying for cable but getting streaming.

We've figured out that the box, when first awakened from a nap, responds to input on a very delayed basis. If we hit a command on the remote, nothing seems to happen but 8 or 10 minutes later it will register. Of course then we can't get it to respond to the next command for another, like, 6 minutes. You can see it because the clock on the screen will tell us it is, for example, 8:08 when it responds to the command — when the actual time is 8:17. Usually within half an hour from wakeup it catches up, but it is an incredible nuisance. (More often than not we restart the box before going through all of this.) It is remarkable how little help xfinity is with these things or how dumb they play about it despite numerous customers having problems with them.

Problem Solver


359 Messages

Disabling CEC does not stop the Xfinity remote from running the TV power and volume.   That's enabled when you pair the remote with the TV.

CEC only seems to do two things - puts the box to sleep when the TV turns off and pressing the Xfinity button tells the TV or AVR to switch to the Xfinity input.  

Those symptoms are much the same as I was getting when switching inputs on my Denon AVR.  The same X1 box with a different receiver worked just fine.  Good luck, hope turning off CEC fixes you up.   Remember, you need to power all equipment off and on when changing CEC settings 


Problem Solver


909 Messages

Hello, @stu_329512. I wanted to check in with you. Were you able to try the above steps that were recommended? Have you seen any improvements in the device not responding? 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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