1 Message
Trying to upgrade my cable box has led to the worst experience
I will start with my question, then explain my experience.
Is the xfinity chat agents completely lying to customers? Will I ever get my 4k box?
On January 27th I used the Xfinity Assistant to contact an agent to upgrade my current cable box to a 4k cable box. I attempted to do this myself, but nothing xfinity has for upgrading your equipment gives the option for the 4k box. Also let me say, I have been to my local Xfinity store, and the wait and service is terrible there, so I was trying to avoid that route. The agent I spoke with on the chat send they would send out the 4k box and it would arrive in 1-2 days. No order number or confirmation email. Box does not arrive.
I contacted support again through the assistant on Friday January 31st. I explain I have not received what I ordered, I was told there was a "glitch" and my order was not placed. This agent assures me the box will be sent out right away, and they will send out a confirmation email. They also provide an order number. Again, I receive no confirmation email, and the box does not arrive.
I contacted support again through the assistant on Tuesday Feb 4th. The agent cannot find my order with the number at first, then after a few minutes "finds" my order and says it is on its way. I ask for them to send me a confirmation email so I can track the shipment. They agree. I still do not receive an email or the 4k box.
I contacted support again through the assistant on Friday February 7th, and again the agent cannot initially find my order with the provided order number. Again after a few minutes, they "find" my order but say it was not sent and would be sent out. I request a tracking number, which I am told there system was down and they could not provide that. So, I tell them I still have not received any email confirming my order. The agent assures me I would receive an email within 30 minutes with my order info and tracking info. I again, have not received any email.
Just for the record, the chat history was present every time I talked to an agent, but I had no way of saving the entire chat.
I cannot believe the incompetence and outright lying from these agents. It has been 2 weeks+ and I have not even received an email.
Official Employee
1.8K Messages
30 days ago
First, I want to address your question directly: While I can't speak to the intentions of the previous agents, I can tell you that the experience you described is certainly not in line with our training or expectations. We strive for transparency and accuracy in all our interactions. It sounds like there have been some significant errors, and will do everything I can to prevent them from happening again.
Now, I'd like to review your account and see exactly what's happened with your previous orders. To do that, I'll need to gather some information from you. To get started, would you please send me a private message with your full name and address? Once I have access to your account, I'll investigate what went wrong with the previous attempts and ensure that a 4K box is shipped to you as quickly as possible. I understand how important that communication is, and will keep in contact with you until you have your new box set up and ready to enjoy.
I know you've already spent a lot of time on this, and I truly appreciate your patience and understanding. I'm committed to making this right for you.
To send a "Direct Message" message:
Click "Sign In" if necessary
Click the "Direct Messaging" icon at the top of the page (looks like a text bubble)
Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list that appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
Press Enter to send it
1 Message
29 days ago
I'm having a similar issue except my box was delivered but won't activate! I've spent hours going in circles with the agents who have all assured me they can fox the problem. One even went so far as to say I had the wrong equipment and proceeded to sign me up for an xfi modem!
Thankfully I was able to get that off my bill, still don't have a working 4k box.
I had no idea xfinity was so far behind in the 4k game. They are so desperate for me to keep my set top box service, then don't even have a 4k box that works! I must be a glutton for punishment because I'm determined to see this through. I managed to schedule a technician appointment so maybe that will yield some results. Oh if only there was another option other than this monopoly.