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9 Messages
The CW Audio Problems
Why does The CW channel have so many audio issues? Sometimes there is no sound at all during actual shows and sometimes you get sound during the show but not during a commercial. When I run the audio through my surround sound system, sometimes the audio only comes out the left front channel and not the center channel like it has before which is the correct way. Is this a CW problem or Xfinity problem? This is very frustrating.
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
2 years ago
Verify that your box is set to main audio. You may have accidentally set it to SAP/secondary audio, or sometimes labeled Descriptive Audio. Not all TV stations properly use the multiple audio channels. While watching video with an X1 box, hit the down-arrow to show the time-bar. Make certain there are NO checkboxes on any of icons on the lower-left. If there are, you can arrow-left to them and toggle them OFF.