6 Messages
Slow response times new cable box
I had a bad cable box replaced by a Xfinity technician earlier today. The new box he installed is a XG2v2-p. When I finally got a chance to check it out I was really disappointed in the response times, Starting up a third party app took sometimes up to 30 seconds from the initial button push just to get into the app. The nonworking box would fire off in about five to 10 seconds. Is this something I am going to have to learn to live with, or are there options to get a faster box? From what I have been able to read, I'm starting to think they put in an out-of-date, older cable box. I would hope for something better than this performance.
Accepted Solution
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
6 months ago
We want to thank you once again, @BeeDee, for taking the time to work with our Digital Care Team. I'm so glad that a simple replacement of your box with another model did the trick! We appreciate your patience while we sorted all of that out, and I thank you for your willingness to return the older TV Box to our Xfinity Store at your earliest convenience. As I mentioned in my latest direct message, feel free to create a new forums post if anything else comes up, and we'll be here for you :)
2 Messages
2 months ago
We are suffering with the same problem, painfully slow box, with no help from Comcast.
2 Messages
2 months ago
we are having extreme difficulties with the xfinity box, it is very slow and almost not usable.