5 Messages
set top box replacement
Our XG1v4-A set top box developed terrible pixilation, stutter and skipping problems. We had several unproductive interactions with customer service that did not produce a solution. In our latest attempt, they told us they'd send us the newest upgraded set top box. What was sent, however, was an old scratched up XG2v2-P that apparently is very slow and not even compatible with our 4K UHD LG OLED65B7P-U television. Is it possible for xfinity to send us the latest set top box that is compatible with our TV? We would greatly appreciate it!
108.3K Messages
1 year ago
The concern is not "Home Security Devices And Equipment" help related. Topic moved here to the TV help section for assistance.
Official Employee
1.2K Messages
1 year ago
@user_63hz73, you have reached the perfect team to assist you with your set top equipment related concerns. Thank you for using the Community Forums page to reach out. Our apologies for the incorrect equipment being sent over as well. Often times, the warehouse will send a different box from the one we elect to be sent over if there is not the originally intended equipment in stock. You also have the option of visiting a local store location to process a same day exchange of equipment as well. Would this option work for you? You can locate the closest store location to you here.
5 Messages
1 year ago
Can anyone confirm that the order for replacement equipment has been placed? I've not heard back since sending in the request. Thanks!