5 Messages
pixilated TV screen
We have intermittent "ghost" images from previous screens that carry over into the current screen. We also have intermittent pixilated breakup of motion on our screen. I've spent numerous half hours with text chat that always end with something along the lines of "Your problem is fixed. Thank you for contacting Xfinity support." But the problem isn't fixed. I finally got to a person yesterday and an appointment was scheduled Monday between 3 and 5 to fix the problem or replace the TV box we rent from Xfinity. Then my wife got an email saying "Your problem is fixed. Your appointment has been cancelled." But the problem isn't fixed! We had the same issues, still intermittent, after we received the email. Getting a person to talk to seems impossible. What should we do next?
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Official Employee
1.2K Messages
5 months ago
@user_ev4nzm Thank you for reaching out to us on our Xfinity Forums for help! We offer a ton of information and support here. I'm sorry that you have been having an issue with the picture on your TV, that it's been difficult to contact anyone and the most that we canceled the appointment without the issue being resolved. Having the ongoing issue and finally thinking that you found help only to be cancelled can leave a person feeling hopeless. Please don't, we can help! I can set up a new appointment for us, or I can ship a new cable box, or for same day equipment you can bring the cable box to the Xfinity store, and they can exchange it for us. Do you only have cable service to one TV or are you seeing this issue on other TV's as well?