New Poster
2 Messages
Picture is Badly Pixelated
I have noticed heavy pixelation on several channels of late. This used to be a rare occurrance, but now it happens with some regularity. I'm not sure, but it seems to affect some channels more than others, but this could simply be due to the fact that it doesn't happen consistently. If I had to guess, I would say that I see periodic pixelation at least 40% of the time, and around 20% of the time, the channel in question is basically unwatchable, as the interference affects the audio as well as the video.
Is this likely to be a problem with the connection at my house, or is this something that will affect the entire neighborhood?
When using the Xfinity Stream app on my TV or computer, I have not noticed this problem, but my wife has video conferences during the day, and I don't want to step on her wifi bandwidth by streaming.
24.6K Messages
5 years ago
at that coax connection you have low signal, high noise, or a combination. is it your only TV outlet that is live? other set top boxes from Xfinity? did you check connections to see if they are on tightly? do you have a powered 'amplifier'? if so, look to see if the power LED is lighted on the amplifier.
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago
Channels come in on different frequencies. Something is impeding the signal of the frequencies of the channels you see (maybe others you don’t watch or get). Make sure your cables are tight and in good repair, remove any extra splitters and possibly have a tech out to troubleshoot further when the pandemic clears in your area. The cable box channels and stream app are two completely different sources to compare
New Poster
1 Message
4 years ago
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
4 years ago
Have a tech out if you think it’s an outside issue. It generally won’t fix itself
Problem Solver
908 Messages
4 years ago
Watch the same channel on the Stream app. If the picture is good then you have a signal issue and need a tech. If the stream app is having the same issue as the live TV then the problem is on Comcast's side and they will likely correct it on their own.