Shermo_6's profile



196 Messages

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 2:10 AM


Pause, rewind, fast forward not working

I just replaced my XiD-P set top box due to a download error message I was getting, and now on the new box I no longer get the error message but it says pause, rewind and fast forward are not supported. Which is odd as it worked immediately after I set it up today but only for a few minutes. I've tried unplugging and no luck. Any suggestions?  I had this same issue on a box in a different room and replaced that box today as well and it now works.

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6 months ago

@Shermo_6  That is strange after it worked initially. Thanks for letting us know. Try clearing the cache and memory on the box first. That would be good to have it remember what it can do and all the features it should have. Follow the steps on this page to clear the cache successfully. Let us know the results. 



196 Messages

I cleared the cache. Pause now works.  If I rewind, it looks like it is rewinding but it does not and I see the blue buffer bar gets reset.  Ffwd does not appear to work.  If I page down, the screen pauses and freezes and the only fix is to change channels.

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540 Messages

@Shermo_6 Are you noticing any issues with other cable boxes or services in the home? Is the cable box in question connected to a splitter? Are you able to remove the splitter test the box without the additional connect. Splitters cause noise on the line and by removing that passive device could clear up the line and cause the box to function properly. 

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196 Messages

I have two other boxes in the house and they work fine. I swapped box 1 with box 2, and having no issues with box 2, so the location or attached components do not seem to be the issue. 

I tried box 1 in box 2's location and the same problems occurred.  I get error message that pause is not supported. I cleaned cache and pause starts working. Ffw and rewind don't appear to work when I have enough program in buffer and says it move to "live" location when used but it appears it's starting at where I paused? Page up/down also doesn't work even after programming 30 sec jump and if there is room in buffer to skip back the screen freezes and only fix is to change channels.

Time to try a new box again unless you have any other ideas?

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1.2K Messages


Shermo_6 Thank you for giving that a try. The boxes you swapped (1 and 2 to try them out are these the same type of box?) 
Is the message received on all programming? 

"Customers will not be able to Fast Forward through any portion of Xfinity On Demand programming that is fast-forward-disabled, with the exception of some network programs where we will allow Fast Forwarding through the program, but not through the advertisements."

You can view more here.


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