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6 Messages

Saturday, July 24th, 2021 4:50 AM


NBC Sports App Not Loading Content

I am trying to watch live Olympic games on my TV's X1 via NBC Sports but nothing will load. I tried multiple different sports and multiple past games but nothing will play. Tried a refresh of my X1 through the app and that did nothing to fix the problem. 

Official Solution

Problem Solver


1.3K Messages

4 years ago

All, we are very sorry about all of this. We are aware of the issue when viewing Olympic content via NBC Sports through X1/Flex devices. A reboot of the box can help, but if that doesn't work, please know we're working on this and the issue will get resolved very soon. Thank you for your patience. 


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1 Message

@XfinityJodie Two weeks later and this is still a problem.   I need to go to NBC Sports streaming as XFinity’s  regular coverage/game recordings always misses the end of games.   When accessing the streamed events using Xfinity, I get 3 1/2 minutes of ads and then a black screen.  Also, it’s not possible to fast forward even if a picture does come up.   Are there any updates?   The Xfinity Stream app works for viewing on the phone but nothing works on the TV.

Problem Solver


729 Messages

We are working on this, and while I don't have the ability to tell you anything new, we are working day and night on this for you! It is just a matter of time! 

I no longer work for Comcast.

New Poster


6 Messages

4 years ago

Also wanted to add that I can view content through Xfinity Stream on my phone. It's the X1 that's not working. Also can't cast the Olympic games from my phone to my TV because the app won't allow me.



1 Message

4 years ago

The same is is happening with ours.



143 Messages

4 years ago

Same thing…incredibly frustrating!!!



1 Message

4 years ago

Add another one to the list, last Olympics organization and production quality was awesome, always had something to watch, or repeats of events. Even with the delay of the 2020 Olympics, re. More time for testing and implementation, this Olympics delivery is falling flat on its face. We are missing so much. 



2 Messages

4 years ago

Same thing with mine as well. 



1 Message

4 years ago

I have tried for days to watch Olympic broadcast on the Sports app on my comcast TV and it just keep buffering & not connecting. Any ideas. I also have Fire Tv & not connecting there as well. Very, very frustrating.

Problem Solver


1.3K Messages

@user_9504eb Very sorry about all of this. We are aware of the issue

viewing Olympic content via NBC Sports through X1/Flex devices. A reboot of the box can help, but if that doesn't work, please know we're working on this and the issue will get resolved very soon. Thank you for your patience. 
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I no longer work for Comcast.



4 Messages

4 years ago

Similar problem for me. It does not work on my DVR box. But it works fine on my other boxes.

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

4 years ago

Same problem last night on my X1. Nothing marked “NBC Sports (Internet)” would play on our X1. We have the latest 4K X1 box as well. NBC Sports streamed on my iPhone when I logged in so it’s part of our plan. Peacock worked on our X1 box. But none of the NBC sports content will play from the Olympics page. Was hoping to catch more live coverage outside of the significant tape delays from Japan.  



1 Message

4 years ago

Ditto.  Total garbage.



25 Messages

4 years ago

Same here. Come on Comcast you had an additional year to figure this out!?!?



5 Messages

4 years ago

Same problem here! The events I want to watch are only broadcasting on the app which won't load on my tv. My only options are to watch them in miniature on my phone (because the app is working on that) or not see my desired Olympic events at all. Major fail on Comcast/xfinity's part!!!!!!!!

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hello, @alipan81. We are aware of the situation, and we are working hard to find a resolution. I know this is a very frustrating when you want to watch your favorite events. Please rest assured we are doing everything we can. Thank you for your patience. 

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143 Messages

4 years ago

Why can’t someone from Comcast reply to this thread and address this massive failure?!?



25 Messages

4 years ago

Right?!?!  I chatted with “Mark from advanced repair team “ and he said that since it is a known issue, adjustments will be applied to our accounts. Coming from the most untrustworthy company, Comcast, I won’t be holding ,y breathe. 

New Poster


3 Messages

4 years ago

Same here.  Would prefer to actually watch than get an adjustment!

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