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Friday, December 4th, 2020 5:00 PM


My cable box is beeping at me

Little bit of an odd situation here, my cable box will not boot up and it’s continuously cycling and resetting before it gets off of the welcome screen. Checked all the connections they’re good contacted support and they said a technician might need to come out but I’ve done some research and that seems to be a symptom of a bad box not to mention the temperature of the box before I unplugged it was about 140°. When I plugged it back in while I was on the phone with the technician it was still about 125 and getting hotter. Also I noticed a strange beeping noise is coming from inside the box which is an XG1v4-A when I noticed that it’s resetting. I have a video of that that I could email somebody if they want to contact me and I also would love if it needs to be replaced to do so without having to have a technician come. Plus I think that the internets fine I think it’s just the box is gone bad because it was so hot and that’s not normal for a box. If somebody could give me a buzz or a ring on here I would gladly like to communicate one on one about this. Thank you so very much stay safe and stay healthy folks.

Accepted Solution

Official Employee


6.9K Messages

4 years ago

Hi @retk9mp

We appreciate you for using the Xfinity Forum to report the issues you're having with your XG1v4-A. Based on the information you provided, I agree that this could be a bad box. I understand your concerns regarding sending a tech at this time. By chance, have you tried to initiate a box swap online? If you're unable to upgrade your equipment using this link, please let me know. I'd be happy to submit an order to have one shipped for you. If you need my assistance, please send a private message with your full name, as it appears on your billing statement and your service address. To send a message, click on my name, "ComcastChe," then click send a message. 

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11 Messages

4 years ago

And there is a white light on the back above the coaxial cable that appears as a circle with a dot in the middle. What is that light for and is it supposed to be solid or blinking sometimes it’s solid sometimes it blinks could that be part of the problem or do I just need a new modem

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

4 years ago

Are you sure it's an XG1v4? I have one and the only light is the white light center-bottom-front. There are no lights on the back. If you actually have an older box, the beeping could be the hard drive resetting or failing. I believe the XG1v4 has an SSD drive and is silent.

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

4 years ago

I think they are now referring to their gateway and the moca light

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11 Messages

4 years ago

I’m sorry, yes. I was referring to the light on the Xfinity gateway. Oops. The cable box is beeping and the light on the BACK of the modem is blinking (still have internet just fine.) just no tv and it’s kind of frustrating. Because the box just keep resetting itself and it won’t boot up at all. It also read in at 130 degrees on my cable box and 145 on the bottom. Should not be that hot.
In addition to that I also noticed the light blinking when I checked all the cables.

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11 Messages

4 years ago

The tone almost sounds like a relay buzzing trying to flip on and failing or a fan or something of that nature it’s not a speaker generated tone I don’t know if I can post a video in here but I have a recording of it and it’s definitely coming from inside the cable box. It’s a solid state box and cloud dvr so should not be making noise.

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

4 years ago

Swap it out and don’t worry about your modem

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4 years ago

That was my hope but I guess that’s not going to happen without a technician coming into my home. And I’m not comfortable allowing a technician in here because I’m disabled it’s cluttered it’s a mess and that’s not right for me to ask somebody to come into my dirty home. So I was hoping to be able to take it in and swap it out but I’m just going to have to wait until I have some assistance cleaning up here into where I’m comfortable having somebody come in my home. And that my bad that’s not Comcast responsibility I understand that and I’m not upset with them over that. I just wish that knowing that a piece of electronica equipment is bad was good enough to take it in and swap it out but it’s not. and that is regardless of my personal shortcomings and failures. Thanks for the help and I guess I’ll be watching on my pc if I get the thing to post and boot up lol. I’m starting to wonder if I had a power surge here. Seems very likely now but that’s a different website. Thanks for the info everyone if I do figure it out without getting the box swapped or if I finally get a handle on my chaos I’ll Put the cause of the issue on here. But I’m pretty sure the box is just fried they usually don’t get to 150° unless they’re problematic. I’m gonna go stick my head back in my tower PC and figure out that one now Merry Christmas everyone.



387 Messages

4 years ago

I am sure they have have seen many messy or cluttered  houses and don't worry about it.  I am a retire Police Officer and if I had a dollar for people saying ignore the mess I could have retired sooner.

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1 Message

4 years ago

Mine is doing the very same thing I came here looking for help since nothing on the website addressed this issue. I wonder if this being the same day something else is going on with the systems

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4 years ago

By curiosity did you do a system refresh before yours went bad? I’m almost sure that I was doing a system refresh and it lost power. I blew a breaker and I remember blowing a breaker the same time around when I did the system refresh regardless if I get a solution I’ll let you know on here and if you get a solution I would ask please let me know. And thanks for posting I appreciate knowing I’m not the only one with this problem. I had a problem a few weeks ago with some of my channels disappeared and it was because the billing department wasn’t giving the right information to my account saying that I subscribe to certain channels so who knows this could be an extension of that as well did you have any weird problems like that before by chance?

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11 Messages

4 years ago

Thank you DCfox, seems we share a commonality. Medically Retired Military Police Officer here. Somehow managed all but a few months of my time in as law enforcement which back in the day wasn’t common. And as for the mess I don’t feel that exposing somebody to that mess is appropriate in any sense right now. I’m not sorry but I’m also aware that it’s rude to ask somebody to come into your home and have to move furniture out of the way so they can get to where you need to them to go. I’m not looking for somebody to help through here I’m looking for somebody to acknowledge the box is bad so I can just take it in and have it swapped out and avoid the embarrassment. I too have seen 1 million dirty apartments when I was on the job surprisingly many of them on base. I’m just not looking to feel the shame of yeah, I’m a slob, and there is the cable box and outlet. Need a mask and gloves? It is just me not wanting to make others uncomfortable and Also me not having the ability to render it what I would consider OK for somebody to come in. Thank you for the kind words but I just don’t have it in me to put myself out for that kind of embarrassment

Gold Problem Solver


7.2K Messages

4 years ago

Hi Tjons11, our equipment is not designed to make any noise aside from the fan within the modem/cable box so I would recommend you swapping the box for new equipment. You can take a trip down to any local Comcast service center or we can have the equipment shipped to you. To have the equipment shipped please send me a private message with your full name and street address by clicking on my name (ComcastAmir) and then click "Send a message".

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