4 Messages
I am trying to get replacement 4k tv box, keep receiving incorrect models
My XG1v4-A failed on 6/1. It will not "boot" past the Welcome screen. I took it to my local Xfinity store for replacement - they told me they don't carry that box and I'd have to call customer service. CS required a tech to visit. He did so on 6/5, confirmed the line is fine and the box is not. Told me the techs don't carry that box either, suggested I call CS. I spent *an hour* on a text chat as suggested by the phone system only to be met with two (2) upsell attempts and eventually receiving an Xi6 (wireless) box. Called CS, spoke to a person, they said they sorted it out. Again, received another Xi6. Called again, explained all of this, was assured I needed a "main box" and that would be sent. Received today a beat up old XG2v2-P (ie, not a XG1v4-A). I now have four (4) boxes that I don't want but I'm being charged to have in my possession. I've been making do with the Xfinity App which is ok, but leaves a lot to be desired. All I want is a working XG1v4-A again. Is that such a hard request? I have a lot of patience, and I'm always kind and understanding with the reps, but for the love of all things good in the world, what must I do to get a new XG1v4-A?
4 Messages
2 years ago
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? I thought Xfinity Support personnel followed these posts. I've also submitted a Direct Message to them and no response to that either. Pretty frustrating.
4 Messages
2 years ago
Update: I seem to be earning several new "badges" from Xfinity, so... I guess that's something. Visitor, 20th Anniversary celebration, 1st Topic, and now 1st Reply. Awesome. Of course, "I don't need no stinkin' badges," I just need a working 4K DVR box....
Gold Problem Solver
271 Messages
2 years ago
I can only offer suggestions. I would not take "no" for an answer from the Xfinity Store. If they don't have the box in stock, tell the representative to order one, and you'll pick it up at the store when they receive it. Stop in at the store every few days to check on their progress. If they insist that you have to call customer service for help, have the store representative make the call on your behalf, right there in the store.
Exchanging a defective box for a working model is something that happens in Xfinity stores everyday, and it shouldn't be as hard as they're making it for you.
4 Messages
2 years ago
Xfinity Support did follow up with me and had the correct box shipped finally! Now if only there was something to watch ;-)