Monday, February 24th, 2025 1:41 PM

how do i get the date an episode aired constantly displayed when changing channels on my Xfinity X1 box?

how do i get the date an episode aired constantly displayed when changing channels on my Xfinity X1 box?

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8 hours ago

Hello user_fjkd4i. Thanks for reaching out to us for help with managing the settings on the X1 box. Many of the options available are in the settings section when you press the Xfinity button on the Xfinity remote. Unfortunately if I am following your ask correctly, I don't think we have that as an option for display. The only option to see when an episode aired would be within the asset details within the info section for that program. To make sure I am following you for example you want the details of when the episode of Grey's Anatomy first aired when tuning to it. Is that correct?

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