Leigh30three's profile

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9 Messages

Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 12:00 PM


DVR will NOT record shows on certain channels HELP!!

DVR will NOT record shows on certain channels HELP!!

I'm in the seacoast NH area, and this does seem linked to stations no longer appearing under the Guide as 'Free to Me', even though they are part of my cable package.


My DVR is refusing to record some shows and I'm unable to determine why.  For example, when using the Guide and attempting to record a show, it will go through the steps and appear that it is going to record, but then the Guide will have a red no entry (a red circle with a slash through it) symbol next to the show.  This is what I've tried:

  • There are no other shows scheduled at the same time, so its not a conflict issue. 
  • My DVR should have plenty of space. 
  • I've tried going in and removing future scheduled shows temporarily to see if its because the DVR is anticipating being full, but this made no difference.  However, I was able to re-add these particular shows. 
  • Multiple times I've done a Restart/System Refresh/actually unplugging the DVR box
  • I have the series "Felger and Mazz" on nbc sports Boston on schedule and it has been recording it fine, but looking at the episode scheduled for tomorrow (1/4) it is not listed on the 'to be recorded' list.  When I look up the series under 'Upcoming' the future 2 episodes are listed with the icon of 3 red circles with the top circle being the open red circle with the slash through it, so they do not look like they will record.  


Anything else I'm missing for troubleshooting?  It really just seems to not be working properly.

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

4 years ago

Can someone please help me with this?? Technical support is no help. I've called them 7 times and they are useless!  

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

4 years ago

I'm having this issue and none of these tech support agents don't know how to resolve this issue or seem clueless.  How do I need to talk to get this taken care of?



1 Message

3 years ago

We are having the same problem and this is May 2021. We have recorded the late night Brian Williams show for ages. MSNBC But suddenly this week we dind it not listed on our DVR recordings, and when we go to guide we cannot get it to record at all. No red dot will come up and have tried everything. Not even when we go to scheduled shows can we find it.




39 Messages

I had a similar issue happen with Brian Williams at about the same time.  Didn't record, disappeared from Scheduled Recordings, and when I tried to set a new series recording for it no red dot appeared, nor did the show reappear in scheduled recordings.  Knowing that a lot is now recorded (or sourced?) in the cloud even if one has a DVR box, I tried going to Xfinity -> Device Settings -> Sync DVR.  After doing that the program *did* appear in Scheduled recordings (and did record the next night), even though the red dot was still missing.  (Although I note that the red dot WAS showing on the X1 app on pc and phone.)  (Of course this still doesn't explain why the scheduled recording for Williams disappeared to begin with.)

Last night, and continuing into today, I started having the same problem -- and workaround (not that I should need one) -- when trying to set other recordings.  But an hour ago I tried a full reboot by unplugging the box, waiting 30 seconds, then plugging it back in.  And all seems normal -- for now...  Seems like I have to reboot the box a lot more often these days.   (My usual reason for rebooting is to stop erratic behavior when trying to rewind or forward live TV.  E.g., I try to jump slightly backward, and instead it jumps 20 minutes forward...or I try to jump slightly forward and instead it jumps back 30 minutes or even into a recording I had been watching 4 hours earlier!  I never have any navigation problems -- other than the typical lack of precision -- when watching recordings, ONLY with live TV).


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