12 Messages
Dvr multiple duplicate recordings
Why is the dvr recording multiple copies of the exact same episode??
To be clear, im not talking about new/repeat or the such. I mean. for example, i have 4 recordings of 'whose line season 4 episode 7' . All of them the exact same episode. (and i got to 4 by the time i was tired of scrolling through them. There could be more.)
In the menu UI, it says i have about 140 different episodes recorded and available. But i have a total of 180+ recordings. Suggesting that i have over 40 duplicate episodes. Its really annoying. - We only need one copy of a single episode. And it eats up a lot of room doing this. - And since you can only scroll through them so slowly, its really hard to see whats a duplicate or not without it taking 40 hours.
24.6K Messages
3 years ago
If you have set 'record only new episodes' then the issue is the data source that provides the listing for that particular program is not being supplied with the information to enter the season/episode number and set the 'new' flag. no flag setting is counted as new.
12 Messages
3 years ago
Its new and repeat. But im not talking about those no info duplicates. I do get them sometimes as well. But you can see the difference. The preview image is generac and there is no info displayed about that recording. - The duplicates im getting have all the info. They will fully display the season and the episode number, and have the preview image form that episode. - They are true duplicates.
24.6K Messages
3 years ago
yes those generic listings will be recorded they are treated as 'new' so you get the recording.
12 Messages
3 years ago
24.6K Messages
3 years ago
i went through same thing with weekend episodes being repeats of just passed weekday episodes. it is the 'and repeats' that cause the recordings.
12 Messages
3 years ago
The original airings were years ago. In some cases a decade+ ago.
Iv had this show set to record new and repeats for many many years and never had this issue until recently. - I want it to record episodes both new and repeat.. but only need one copy of each specific episode. Having multiple copies is not helpful. And i cant find any good way to go through them all to find duplicates to delete. Either going though all ~180 (*2) recordings for each and every episode to look.. which could take weeks right there... or delete them all. Both are crappy options. And it still doesnt stop it from happening again.
24.6K Messages
3 years ago
we can't see the 'internal episode serial number' but each network can put out listings with their own serial numbers (not related to the text season/ep numbers). I see all of yours were on the same network which is unusual in the repeat episodes recording.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
3 years ago
@user_612f40 - Thank you for your feedback and for commenting here on the Xfinity Forums! I understand what you mean. I think I would feel that same way too from all the duplicate episode recordings. We can help! There are a few different ways you're able to schedule to record a program or series using Xfinity X1. Let's go ahead and double check how whose line was set to record including if it's set to record only new episodes or record new and repeat episodes by selecting modify at Menu > Saved > Scheduled then select the recording. Choose Record Options
From here we'll want to edit to show record only new episodes. Please let me know if this info helps!
24.6K Messages
3 years ago
@XfinityThomasA it is set that way see the 3rd post above (one right before mine).
2 Messages
2 years ago
Omg. Xfinity is absolutely horrid. I have the exact same problem.
Simply put.
Xfinity, do you have a way for us to identify duplicates so we can highlight choices to delete???
We are way past the "set up your recording" part.
12 Messages
2 years ago
Gold Problem Solver
3.3K Messages
2 years ago
Hi, user_612f40. The network provider {the network that is in charge of the show} is going to be the one that is in charge of uploading on demand content for us. So, they choose what seasons and what episodes of their show are available in our on demand platform. That is not something we're in charge of. When something is missing, we can definitely work with them to correct the issue. Please list out what seasons/episodes of what show and from what network provider you're seeing the error on, and we're happy to report it for you.
12 Messages
2 years ago
I just went through all my whose line (Aisha version) episodes (200~) manually. Deleted 56 duplicate episodes. The dvr just keeps recording the same exact episode over and over and over. - Most of them from the ASPRE network.
This is getting beyond annoying. Same episode over and over.. taking up room, taking up time, taking up my patience...
And before the same things are mentioned yet again... No, im not changing my settings. I want new and repeat. REPEAT, not DUPLICATE. No, im not changing settings to a single network only. The show airs on many different networks. Im not getting rid of recording from all but one just because some (or mostly one, aspre) is 'not sending the right info'.
2 Messages
2 years ago
I agree with user_612f40... NO ONE in a management and customer satisfaction position at Xfinity cares.
Even a "SIMPLE" sort function to put all episodes together would make this easier.
Xfinity is 20 years behind in technology. I'm dumping Xfinity for that reason
1 Message
2 years ago
I have the same issue. Brand new shows are double recording. But if I delete 1 it deletes both.
Xfinity you need to fix this. It takes up storage on dvr and shows both episodes.
and do not tell me to reset my settings. I’ve been dealing with dvr issues with you for years. I even had to upgrade to 300 hours of cloud storage on top of my dvr hard drive storage because you can’t get it together and keep saved recordings.
I just don’t want to deal with this. And so may others are dealing with the same issue and looking at photos, they have not upgraded storage and are where I used to be 93% + full.
Today I am 53% full. No excuse for double recordings.