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7 Messages
DVR display on TV not synced with DVR display in Xfinity App
DVR calculated percentage (number of recordings) on TV not synced with DVR percentage on Xfinity App. I can see percentage on Xfinity App. This indicates this data is available in the system but not displayed on the TV. Cloud is capable of displaying percentages; useful information to the customer.
I pay for 300 hours of storage. Xfinity App displays 2 recordings @ 1%.
Television displays 2 recordings (percentage unknown).
1% of 300 hours is 3%, not 1%. Number of recordings is useless. Programs recorded have variant percentages. We, the customer, can not make logical decisions due to lack of data provided by Xfinity. When is Xfinity going to "enhance my experience" and fix this oversight/error?
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
3 days ago
Hello, @pbw56. Thank you for making us aware the DVR calculations are not matching are not matching with what's on the app. I would be more than happy to help figure out how to get this information synced. Have you by any chance know what version of the Xfinity app that's on your device? Also, have you tried refreshing your DVR with the Xfinity app?