3 Messages
DVR click forward will jump to the beginning of the recording - corrected
I can be watching a show and click rewind FORWARD intending to skip commercials and the DVR periodically goes back to the beginning of the show. Any ideas on what could be causing this?
Problem Solver
1.3K Messages
1 year ago
@user_qi3a40 Hello, thanks for the post. Have you done any kind of troubleshooting so far?
Regular Visitor
5 Messages
1 year ago
This is NOT corrected… I have the same problem… no answer to this problem was documented here…
3 Messages
1 year ago
I'm having the same problem. I often pause before I fast forward to note the time elapsed so if the recording jumps back to the start I'll know where to go back. Sometimes If I immediately exit the show when it jumps back to start it will go back to the right spot when I Resume show. I've tried both Restarting via the Help menu and System Refresh - although neither solves the problem.
37 Messages
1 year ago
I've had the issue, too. Sent a message to Xfinity but yet to hear back. I'm sure they'll have me reboot, etc. etc. when it's not my issue it's their DVR system being weird. My favorite is when they tell me to get a new box, I go pick one up from the store, and the same problem exists. Sometimes you'll actually get a real response from a support rep of, "yeah, our engineers know and are troubleshooting" instead of being gaslit through all the problems like it's on your end. I've had this same issue over the 8 years I've been an Xfinity customer. It randomly appears, support makes it seem like it's just you, they waste your time, and it gets fixed a month or two later. I once had other issues with On Demand shows and went through the same song and dance. I ACTUALLY got a customer service rep that messaged me back that she was working from home and just tried it on hers and got the same issue!!! She escalated it. So many times the other support people just waste your time. "Reboot and let me know if it comes back." "Wow, thanks for the stellar support. I never thought to reboot. I'm sure this won't fix it just like every other issue I'm told to reboot that doesn't fix it. In fact, my system is set to reboot nightly." You just gotta keep bugging them until a competent support person that goes a little off their script helps you.
37 Messages
1 year ago
Did they fix it for you? If so, how? I'm getting the usual "we have no knowledge of this being an issue" garbage with support right now. I sent them screenshots 🤣 Liars.
37 Messages
1 year ago
I guess satire isn't allowed on these forums. My last post was privatized. Regardless, my interaction with support seems to be "reboot" and then it can't be recreated, because it's an intermittent problem, and they tell you they're happy it's working now and to reach back out if it happens again. I asked what the solutions were for others on here and they told me they couldn't look those up but there were no known issues. So...I think that's where we're at. Leave Xfinity, or deal with odd DVR issues.
1 Message
10 months ago
I am also having the same issue with programs restarting when trying to fast forward. It is supper annoying!!! It started happening about 6 months ago when I went in and got a "new" box.. I thought it was the replacement box I got so I went back yesterday and got a brand new one (wrapped in plastic).. Still, same issue.. Now I'm convinced it is not the box and has something to do with the recordings being stored on the cloud and it is effecting the playback. You would think that Xfinity would have solved this issue by now. I don't think the IT Department at Xfinity is very intuitive... they have the Xfinity app that has been in Beta for years now - not sure how any app can stay in the Bata phase for that long..... I think if Xfinity spent as much on IT as they do sales, they would have a better produce.
Regular Visitor
4 Messages
10 months ago
Darn I looked at this post hoping for a solution. We have the same problem with the
recording jumping back to beginning when fast forwarding. We also have a problem with being dropped out of a recording while it’s still in progress. It drives my wife crazy. One solution I saw while googling today is that this is only a problem with the Xg2v2 boxes (we have the Pace version) and that it doesn’t happen with the Xg1v4 boxes (which have a built in DVR system). Is this true? And if so how do we get one? Can I just go to the Xfinity store and ask?
1 Message
8 months ago
Hard to believe this problem has been going on for months and the best fix is to switch to direct TV. Works for me!
1 Message
8 months ago
I had this same issue, it had something to do with the cables running through out my house. I switched to all wifi connections for my TVs and the issue was resolved.