Wednesday, July 24th, 2024 4:05 PM

Duplicate recordings of baseball series

Good morning I am going to repost this and see if someone has an answer. I do a recording of the San Francisco Giants on my channel 720 which is the Bay Area station and this just started last Tuesday or Wednesday where it has now started recording the games from the MLB pay-per-view channels, which are in the 3000 series, I do not subscribe to those I do not pay for those. I am not sure why all of a sudden the programming is tied to each other.All was fine before with no issues.  The other thing is since I do not subscribe to those channels on the 3000 series even if it recorded, I cannot watch what it recorded because it says I do not have permission to so that means I guess that would be three hours worth of a  Statement that says you cannot watch this channel. I have called Xfinity Assistant twice. They do not understand why it's happening. It must be some type of a glitch so why is my channel 720 a package deal with the other two channels on the MLB programming and how do I get it to stop?

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2 months ago


user_34se0o If you look at your Series Priority setting in your DVR that may be why you are recording channels you don't subscribe to. Here is a link you can use that highlights this process (https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/x1-manage-the-priority-of-a-program).


12 Messages


Hello. I am trying this out. I will 

let you know. Hope it works. 

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Thank you, @user_34se0o Please let me know if you need further assistance, we'll be here!-Richard

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it did not work. It did remove some of the double recordings from the MLB stations but not all. Every time I recheck, recordings that had gone away reappear. 
still not sure why all of a sudden they are part of the SF giants package. There is a new blurb at the bottom of my recording when I choose SF Giants on the channel I want it now says: select a team to record related programs, including their games.  

this seems new so seems to want to tie and record the Giants that are live on any channel.

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Thank you, @user_34se0o First, check the guide to see if the Giants game is also being recorded. If it is, and there's also an ESPN non-Giants game being recorded, it could be that they both have the same title (something like "NBA Basketball") and the guide, not knowing the difference, is going to record every game with that title it can find.-Richard

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I appreciate your help. It seems the recording system has changed    
if I click the record red button on the channel I want 720. It gives me a choice of just this game, which then says, select the game to record only this event.   If I arrow over, it says record San Francisco Giants, which then says, select a team to record related programs, including their games   If I arrow over again, it gives me the other team that they are playing and says again select a team to record related programs, including their games so somehow when I click on the channel, I want if I click on the team name records anything that is San Francisco Giants if I say just this game, then I will only get that one game so somehow The name San Francisco Giants picks everything up      
right now I selected only this game to get only the one record.  But I just heard there are a lot of games left and this is just a pain to have to record each one rather than to be able to do the whole series

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