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2 Messages
CNN channel distortion
Picture distortion on CNN channel, has been going on for a month and it's getting worse. Only happening on CNN channel.
Regular Visitor
2 Messages
Picture distortion on CNN channel, has been going on for a month and it's getting worse. Only happening on CNN channel.
Accepted Solution
671 Messages
4 years ago
@user_3330f6 Any sort of distortion or pixilation could be a result of a number of issues:
Generally, basic troubleshooting can clear the issues which we have a support page for here: Help and Support: Xfinity TV
If issues persist outside of that though, we can assist and take a deeper look into the account itself.
This thread will now be closed due to age. For new issues, or account specific concerns, please open a new thread in the appropriate forum.
24.6K Messages
5 years ago
if all of your cable connections are tight then you will need a technician call out to diagnose the signal problems on that channel.
84 Messages
5 years ago
My CNN has been wonky too on 2 of my 4 TVs. I called Comcast and the rep told me there's nothing wrong with the cable that my 2 TVs would need to be replaced. Well I am fairly certain there's nothing wrong with my TVs. After going round and round getting nowhere (he said they will not send out technicians during COVID) I decided to experiment myself. Long story short, Iwentinto the video output and changed it from 1080p to 1080i and it works perfect now on those 2 TVs I was told to replace. I don't know if it will work for you, but it helped me.
24.6K Messages
5 years ago
Digital tuners connected by HDMI have no idea what channel is selected. they just see a video and other streams presented on the HDMI cable. Digital TVs don't need interlace it ruins motion etc as data is dropped making the interlaced (CRT) type format. 1080i is approximately equivalent to 540p in detail. TVs don't degrade on use of digital signals. best test is to swap a working box/power supply with non-working box &power supply leaving the HDMI cables in place. Test is to see if the problem moves with the boxes that are swapped.
New Poster
1 Message
5 years ago
I too have been having problems with CNN getting all distorted and sound going off on all three of my TV's. Sometimes the sound gets all weird, and other times I get a message stating there is a problem with the signal and I need to change to channel 93 (I think) for a few minutes then go back to CNN. This NEVER has helped. This is a recent problem but one that is getting worse. I called Xfinity Customer service and actually got into an argument with Brandon #1535. I explained what the problem was and asked what I needed to do and the FIRST and the only think he kept telling me is I needed to purchase a protection program they had for $99.00!!! WHAT ?? He sounded more like a sales person then a customer service person. He said it's my equipment. Why then would it affect all my TV's for the past couple of months? One of them is actually only a week old. All three tv's are on different boxes (one is the X1 DVR settop, another a smaller model PX032ANI and the last a small Motorola that gets only basic channels on a small TV.) The problem is on ALL of them. I've checked all the connections, powered EVERYTHING down and back up again, even ran the "refresh" program and NOTHING has helped. Why is it only CNN ? Has anyone figured out how to correct this? Thanks
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago
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5 Messages
4 years ago
Has anyone ever figured out why CNN tends to pixelate ? It has been good for a long time and now has come back. Why no definitive answer from Xfinity ?
1 Message
4 years ago
I have had problems ever since I signed up with xfinity.. I cannot access CNN. it appears to just calibrate. Strange thing is it only happens in the evening and on all my tv’s.. I bought 2 new Tv.s so I know it not the tv’s. I look forward to Don Lemmon everything evening after a long day.only to be aggravated with this nonsense... Comcast why is it you never make mistakes with billing.? Is this what I signed up for.? REALLY??? This is really getting old.
2 Messages
4 years ago
this is happening again ... for the past three weeks !!. any body else?
2 Messages
4 years ago
CNN channel distortion is back again for the past three weeks.... what is the real reason?