Knussba's profile

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10 Messages

Monday, May 29th, 2023 4:50 PM


“Blue Screen of Death”

When i return my TV to the X-1 input after some time on Apple TV i often encounter a blue screen. Tv confirms comcast input but x-1 does not respond to any remote command including power off. Only recovery is to unplug. I have tried changing power save and hdmi cec settings as it seems like a bad “sleep” but no luck. 

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1.8K Messages

2 years ago

Hello @Knussba thank you for reaching out via our Xfinity Forums regarding the blue screen you see when you go from Apple TV back to Xfinity. Here are some steps to try to help avoid having to unplug your cable box each time, please let us how it goes. 

  1. Make sure all power cables are plugged into working power outlets for the TV and for your X1 TV Box.
  2. Hand-tighten all cable connections to make sure they're not loose.
  3. If using an HDMI cable to connect the X1 TV Box to the TV, confirm that it’s plugged into the proper locations.
  4. Power on both the TV and the X1 TV Box.
  5. Confirm that the TV is set to the proper input.
  6. If you've completed the steps above and there’s still no picture:
    1. Press Exit > Exit > Exit > 720 on your Xfinity remote. This should bring the picture back by setting the resolution to 720.
    2. You can then change to a different resolution by pressing the Xfinity button on your remote and selecting the gear icon (Settings) > Device Settings > Video Display and choosing the resolution you want.

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