Wednesday, February 7th, 2024 11:27 PM


Being charged for unused cable boxes

I am being charged $10 for each cable box in my house which total 4, for a total of $40/month. I only have two cable hookups to begin with, and therefore am only using 2 cable boxes (both of which are X1, which I thought would be considered 'upgrades' and not regarded as additional boxes). Can I simply return the unused boxes (both older non-X1 models) and have the additional $20 charge removed from my bill. Because that is my main objective anyway, to have that $20 removed regardless of what I do with the boxes. (P.S. the older boxes are inoperable and in poor physical condition, so I doubt that Xfinity would want them anyway, nor have any use for them.)

Problem Solver


919 Messages

1 year ago

Yes, but you need to return them to an Xfinity Store. Save your receipt after return. They should come off your bill.

Xfinity doesn't care if they are connected. If you rented them you pay the fee until returned. 

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

1 year ago

@user_8awq0o I would recommend to return the equipment to the Xfinity store. That way you can get those charges removed. You can also use this link https://www.xfinity.com/local/store-offers?q=32.3383%2C-111.0455 to find the store closest to you.

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