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3 Messages
4K Non-DVR Options?
Hi all,
I've got a 4K DVR (XG1v4) and an HD box (XG2). I'd like to swap out the XG2 for a 4K-capable box. Can I request a second XG1v4, or is a wireless box my only option? I use a COAM modem, so not sure what the wireless box compatibility looks like.
Any help is appreciated!
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
1 year ago
Hello @JustinVincent, and thanks for reaching out for help with your question. You can get a second XG1v4, but that is a DVR specifically, and would cost more than the $10 for a second wireless box. Adding the second DVR with have an additional charge for it being a DVR. Hope this information helps with your concern.