

4 Messages

Wednesday, July 7th, 2021 10:35 PM


Account Access

I haven't had access to my online account with this same issue for nearly a year. No resolution when I called customer service back then. How can I get this fixed? I would like to view bills and possible upgrade via online, not by phone.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Cannot view bill - "Sorry, this isn't working right now"

This post was created from this comment on different post

Official Employee


1.7K Messages

4 years ago

Hello, @user_5e9c16! Thank you for reaching out to us over our Community Forums. We would be more than happy to help you regain access into your account. To start, we want to make sure your username is correctly linked to your location. Please visit https://comca.st/3AApnyW and follow the prompts. 


If you run into any trouble, and still are unable to sign into your account please send us a private message. Please include your name, and service address. The Peer to Peer chat icon is located at the top right of the Community Forum page, clicking on the chat icon will allow you to initiate a chat conversation with us directly. Please ensure you are sending your message to our 'Xfinity Support' handle, and signed into your Xfinity account.


Thank you!

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