

2 Messages

Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 2:23 PM


Xfinity porting process is horrendous

I'm trying to port over from Sprint (now T-Mobile) to Xfinity and this whole process has been an absolute nightmare. In one day alone I've spent more than 12 hours on the phone trying to get this to go through. Numerous times I've been told it was all set, only for the time I was told to come and go with no change, leaving me sitting in another 45+ minute queue.

At one point an Xfinity agent said we needed to call in Sprint (even after I explained that what they were seeing was a red herring) and then after getting Sprint on the line they hung on me leaving me to talk with Sprint who told me what I already knew: everything is all set and approved on their end. Of course the only thing I could do at that point was hang up and wait in Xfinity's queue again.

Full timeline of events:

* Submitted porting request online, chose "Sprint" and entered the transfer PIN I was given from the old account holder. I'm coming from a family plan and I don't have direct access to the old account.

* The website said a glitch occurred and I had to call in.

* I called Xfinity and was told that the account and transfer PIN I provided were correct but the number was deactivated on the Sprint side (despite it being the number I was calling from).

* I called Sprint and they told me the number was active and that the PIN was wrong. I contacted to owner of the plan and got a new PIN.

* I called Xfinity and asked to change the PIN. They resubmitted the request with the new PIN but said the number was still not active. They also confirmed the request was going to Sprint.

* The agent called Sprint and there was a conference call. Apparently neither PIN I had been given was correct, but that didn't actually matter since on the backend the request was being sent to MetroPCS instead of Sprint which is why it was saying the number wasn't active.

* Got the Sprint account holder on the conference call and had Sprint directly release the transfer PIN to Xfinity to ensure there was no confusion. A member of Sprint's advanced porting team was added to the call and they had to submit a manual porting request and override the SPID to Sprint's SPID (6664) to make it actually go to the correct place. Was told to wait 15 minutes, reboot the phone and it should be all set.

* Waited 4 hours (rebooting occasionally), still no change.

* Called Xfinity back. Tried to explain the situation to the agent but it seemed the agent wasn't hearing a word I was saying as all they would do is tell me the issue was because my number wasn't active on Sprint. They started another conference call with Sprint and then hung up as soon as a Sprint agent was on the line. Sprint once again told me my number was active and they had a record of the porting request from the previous call and that it was already approved on their end. All I can do is call Xfinity back.

* Got a hold of Xfinity customer retention team hoping maybe they could get me to someone who could get me assistance from some some form of escalations to avoid another round through tier 1 support. Ultimately was told there is no path to escalations without going through tier 1 support each time (pretty much what I expected). Ultimately was transferred back to tier 1 support.

* More waiting on hold and again I had to go through the process of the tier 1 support agent resubmitting the request only to be told my number wasn't active wasn't active (because of the system apparently is routing Sprint requests to Metro). They escalated to the advanced porting team.

* Once escalated to the advanced porting team they confirmed the request from the first conference call was in but hadn't gone through because it was scheduled to be processed at 11:59pm that night. Was told I just had to wait for that time and it'd go through and all would be set.

* The time I was told the port would go through came and went, plus another 12 hours and still seemingly 0 movement. I wrote everything up to this point while waiting on hold again to talk to a tier 1 support agent.

* After getting connected, got escalated again. Advanced porting agent confirmed again the request should have gone through yesterday but was now just showing as "delayed" with no further info. They said they would put the request through manually. Once again their request was "delayed" with no specific reason given. Was told this was now being escalated to tier 3 and to expect it go go through in 3-6 hours.
* That was 4 days ago, and still zero developments. Haven't had time since then to spend another 2 hours on hold/dealing with tier 1, just to talk to someone with some visibility on the matter. Of course, it seems like even when I do eventually get through to someone who can see the manual requests they just tell me to wait 3 hours which inevitably pass with 0 movement.

Is there anything I can do to help move things along so I can actually start making use of my phone? This has been one of the worst experiences I've had with a company and it's brought all the negative feelings I had towards Comcast back stronger than ever after what I felt was years of making strides on the customer satisfaction side of things (minus needing to go through an automated troubleshooter that has never once solved anything to get assistance for internet issues). Now to rub salt in the wound Xfinity is sending me automated notifications telling me "you really should activate your new phone and start making use of your new service because we're gonna be charging you regardless".

Official Employee


867 Messages

2 years ago

@Pharrox I'm terribly sorry to hear of your experience with porting your phone number over to Xfinity Mobile. Unfortunately, I do apologize that due to account security, our options with Xfinity Mobile accounts are very limited on this platform. We are unable to perform any device or account-specific requests over this platform, but I do want to ensure that you’re able to get in touch with the right team. Since you seem to not be having the best luck by calling in, have you tried to speak with our dedicated team by chat using this link https://www.xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile?



67 Messages

1 year ago

So is porting from xfinity voice to xfinity mobile 



2 Messages

1 year ago

Ok, so a bit of an update. Waited 2-3 more days with no updates or progress. Finally gave up and went into a store to hopefully get someone to take care of this.

They checked the ticket and found the tier 2 tech escalated the wrong ticket so the case had been sitting there with no one working on it (what a surprise).

They got the ticket picked up by a technician who could actually do something with it and said it'd be another 2-3 days before I'd see anything.

Finally,  2-3 days later, my phone was actually activated!

Anyone who stumbles across this, my advice is just don't waste your time with Xfinity phone support. They all seem to fall into the category of having no clue what they're doing, or for the ones that do, aren't given the appropriate tools to affect any meaningful change. Just go to the store and talk to someone local as they can/will actually take care of you instead of giving you a massive runaround.

Had a couple others switching with me at the same time from the same plan. After seeing what I went through they all just went to the store. All of them had issues that required the store associate to call in to do overrides but all of them got activated days before I did since they just didn't bother with the automated systems or the (seemingly) outsourced tech support. Ultimately I only saw any progress after following their lead and getting help from someone in person.

Their main focus with the phone support always just seems to be to get you off the phone, knowing that once you're off the phone you're someone else's problem. Over the course of this I had several tell me they'd check back in or do a callback to make sure things were progressing, not a single one ever did. This of course meant another hour long hold and needing to prove again to tier 1 support that resubmitting the application wouldn't fix the problem (adds another 15 minutes to an hour each time).

Total stats/takeaways from this whole ordeal:

- 16 calls related to trying to activate (a few are duplicates trying to find a more efficient way to speak with tier 2+)
- 7 times tier 1 support walked me through the same solution

- 8 days to activate
- 6 people on a single call (none with the access/ability to do anything)

- 5 days of getting charged for service before it was usable

- 17 hours of personal time wasted (14 on the phone, 3 for travel to/from store and in store)
- 7 years of perception Comcast was actually making an honest attempt to improve their customer service down the drain

- $20 credit

- 1 activated phone

Advice to Comcast (as someone who worked as a tech in an IT call center for a company with industry leading customer satisfaction (yes, of course I realize this is screaming into the void)):

- If an issue isn't resolved, assign the customer a ticket. If the customer calls in and gives an existing ticket number, get them to the appropriate tier of support for the ticket (ideally someone already familiar with it) without needing to repeat steps.

- If a ticket as no movement after three shifts (1 day) have a supervisor reassign it to a different technician based on the complexity and the technician's abilities. Have that tech check in to give a status update.

- If a user is disconnected or a followup is promised, make sure that callback/followup actually happens.

- Give your technicians access to the actual systems/tools they need to do their job, or lacking that, give them quick and easy access to people who do have access to those systems.

- Have technicians leave persistent notes/messages on steps taken and their findings, including a summary. When getting a call about an existing case a tech should review these notes to avoid wasting time and repeating steps.

- For customers who have needed to be escalated repeatedly to a higher level of support give them a direct line/extension to bypass the lower queues and wasting their and your own technicians' time.

- Have mentors/escalations on call for more junior technicians to be able to review difficult cases. If the escalations tech feels a case is too complex for general support they can make the call to take it over.



5 Messages

1 year ago

Careful! As for March 2023 this is still happening. I'm in the middle of the nightmare and has not been solved. 



1 Message

1 year ago

June 2023, still happening... I'm on day 5 of waiting my number to be ported from Metro to Xfinity...

Problem Solver


393 Messages

@alternozzz Thank you for contacting us here at the Xfinity Community Forums regarding the transfer of your existing number to Xfinity Mobile. 

As mentioned by my colleague earlier in the thread, due to account security, our options with Xfinity Mobile accounts are very limited. We're unable to perform any device or account-specific requests or support over this platform. Have you already attempted to contact Xfinity Mobile directly at both 1 (888) 936-4968 and via Live Chat at https://xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile ?

I no longer work for Comcast.

1 year ago

It is my believe xfinity trains start to be dumb,

mess up, be slow all in attempts to exhaust a customer and they give up. They put their sharpest and most investment in staff on boarding new customers.. ever try returning equipment stand in line to return or make an appt to return equipment or ship it in and it takes  a year for them to process it. Comcast and xfinity need to be shut down. I hope they loose the lawsuit that have against them for inflating their coverage area to gain a larger chunk of the 42 billion subsidy us taxpayers are paying companies like Comcast to extend high speed to morr areas of the country. I’d it’s not already bad enough they are getting artificial revenue from the govt at $30 a qualifying customer.. they even act like they are giving the credit not that the govt

is.. the United States tax payer… it shouldn’t be this way… that should not be included in their revenue.. they shouldn’t even get it.. the company should offer the program and for each cumstomer they give a free account too do a $30 tax credit. Stop giving money to Comcast 

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