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11 Messages

Thursday, April 16th, 2020 2:00 PM


WiFi Calling Not Working

I brought my iPhone Xs Max from AT&T to Xfinity yesterday. New sim installed, Shows LTE, everything else appears to be working, but the WiFi Calling.

It’s a loop... I toggle the WiFi calling; enter emergency address, once finished, I go back to check on it and the WiFi calling has been turned/toggled off.

I have tried Reset All Settings, Reset Network Setting and Erased All Content and Settings.

None have helped.

I have called Xfinity Mobile several times, just so they can tell me "Wi-Fi Calling is on by default on your account." I am not getting anywhere with them, and the store does not have the Mobile staff on hand right now.

I really need this WiFi calling to work. Please help.




19 Messages

5 years ago

was the emergency address accepted?

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

im running into the same problem.  The addresss gets accepted, you hit enable and everything is ok, but when you go to the next screen and wifi calling is turned off again. I'm coming from Sprint.

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

5 years ago

I'd also like to add; I have put my sim in another iPhone X that is on Verizon and it wont do WiFi calling, but if I take that sim from Verizon and put it in my iPhone X, WiFi calling wokrs fine. It's the hardware! Everything is pointing to the carrier.

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11 Messages

5 years ago

It appears to get accepted, but I dont think it is. I'll go beck one page and WiFi calling is off and if I try to trun it on again, it prompts me for the adress again. 

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2 Messages

5 years ago

In addition to my iPhone X...  it does not work on my wife's iphone 7 either.   It's suffering from the same problem. 

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11 Messages

5 years ago

 I would assume the phones you are having issues with are the ones you brought from Sprint?

Xfinity keeps blaming the fact my iPhone is a BYOD (I didn’t buy it from Xfinity), so they can’t do anything about the Wi-Fi calling issue. Well of course I could buy a phone from them and it would work.   The trickery here is sad and obvious.  None of this was EVER mentioned as a potential issue when I checked my IMEI on Xfinity's website to confirm compatibility.




Problem Solver


771 Messages

5 years ago

You need to have the latest iOS update and the latest carrier settings from earlier this month. The new carrier setting fixed my WiFi Calling


My iPhone now has iOS 13.4.1 and Carrier Xfintity Mobile 41.0 


Check you settings. 

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

5 years ago



Same as yours.

Xfinity has now said, that since my iPhone was a Bring Your Own Device they could not take responsibility for the WiFi Calling not working.
So, I either have to buy a phone from Xfinity or leave.


Edit: spelling

Problem Solver


771 Messages

5 years ago


Doesn’t sound good. Re-check that your IMEI shown for you device in the XM app matches your IMEI.



26 Messages

5 years ago

I am have the same issue with a brand new iPhone SE that was purchased from Xfinity Mobile and just activated yesterday.  I was on the phone with support for over an hour and the issue was not resolved.   I also cannot enable WiFi calling on an iPhone 6 on my account....

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

5 years ago



Yes they match. 

If I go head and get a Pixel and it still doesnt work is my fear. 




156 Messages

5 years ago

The mega thread about WiFi calling not working on iPhones (all models, BYOP or Xfinity) has been deleted. 



11 Messages

5 years ago

Just adding another data point. I also just activated a new iPhone SE purchased through XM for an existing XM line. I turn on the Wifi Calling, add the Emergency Address, it seems to take it, but when I hit the back arrow on the Wifi Calling detail page to go back to the main Phone settings page, it is already turned back off.


To be clear to everyone else in this thread porting over from another carrier, this is a XM issue, not a porting issue. My single line is over 2 years old with the original phone number and I purchsed my SE directly from XM. I am seeing the same exact problem everyone else is. There is no other carrier involved in my transaction at all. Buying a new phone through XM won't fix this issue for you. Don't let them talk you into attempting it.

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

5 years ago


Thanks for the reply!

Could this just be an issue with just iPhones??


How can so many not care about Wi-Fi Calling? I know reception has been getting MUCH better over the years, but still there are a lot dead holes, and maybe some people just don’t know about it. What is really sad, is that the Xfinity Techs don’t know about the Wi-Fi Calling not working and they are told to blame the BYOD, which lays the blame on the consumer....Booooo! Anyway, it's unbelievable.

Come on Xfinity, get it together! 


Good thing I bought a Pixel, and will be on Project Fi by next week. 🙂  I am actually really excited about it. I haven’t been in the Android ecosystem for 5 years. Looking forward to it. Thanks Xfinity.

GL Everyone!!





11 Messages

5 years ago

Slight change to the situation. I just tried to enable Wifi Calling again and it no longer allows me to enter an Emergency Address. I get the popup to enter the address, but before it shows me the fields to enter my address, I get a 2nd popup saying "Wifi Calling: To allow Wifi calling on this account, contact Xfinity Mobile." followed by an OK button.


This issue isn't very important to me. I get a decent signal in my apartment with no dropped or missed calls that I am aware of so far. No one has complained about poor call quality on the few calls I have made either. So I probably won't call XM about it unless something changes.

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