2 Messages

Saturday, September 14th, 2024 4:56 AM

Trade-In SCAM Again

I have been a loyal XM customer for years, and this experience is completely unacceptable.

I received a trade-in offer of $350 for iPhone 15 recently, applied over two years toward an upgrade. I followed through with the offer, mailing in the old phone as instructed.

But my old phone, which was received in LEWISVILLE, TX 75067 on August 13, 2024, 7:56 pm has been nothing but a nightmare.

Despite the phone being received, the "check trade-in status" page never showed the phone as shipped, and after countless calls to customer service and hours of wasted time, I keep getting the same empty responses: "Your case has been escalated," and "You'll receive an update from our back office team." Yet, the only update I’ve received is that my trade-in has been CANCELLED.

XM has effectively stolen my iPhone SE 2 and is charging me the full retail price for an iPhone 15 that should have been discounted.

This is nothing short of fraud. If this issue isn’t resolved immediately, I will be filing formal complaints with the BBB, FTC, and my credit card company every month that I am not billed the correct amount as per the trade-in offer I was promised.

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

5 months ago

Greetings, @user_4gb4z6! Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your busy day to leave a post on our community forum. I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with your trade-in, but you have definitely come to the right place for assistance.


If you could send our team a direct message with your full name, the name listed on the account (if different), and the service address associated with your account, I'd be more than happy to look into this for you.


To send a Direct Message, please click on the “Direct Message” icon in the top-right corner of the screen, next to the bell icon, click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon, then type or select "Xfinity Support". Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window and press Enter to send your message and initiate a live session.

1 Message

5 months ago

It’s helpful to be cautious before accepting the trade-in offer I'm currently considering. Thanks.

4 Messages

[Edited: "Solicitation"] if you haven't already! I am now on the phone HOLDING 45 minutes to talk to a supervisor. LOOONG Story short, I went to the store to trade my 12 pro max for the 16. They were offering $1000 trade credit for my old phone, if I started a new phone number then canceled the old. So I agreed and they sent the new phone, only to be missing a label to send the old phone back that the agent told me I would receive. After setup, activation, data transfer, etc, the agent said in up to 24 hours I should receive a return label via email so that I may send in the old phone for the full $1000 credit.

Guess again, called in and to get the label and NOW they tell me that the new phone wasn't processed as a trade and that NOW I have to return the 16 I just did everything with, cancel and RE-RING IT to get the promo. THIS IS A BAIT AND SWITCH ISSUE. I highly suggest anyone avoid the scam as well as Xfinity all together. Sure they are cheaper monthly than X, but you pay in the long run by bogus charges and lies.


4 Messages

I am ALSO going to connect with a lawyer to see what can be done as well. This is highly unprofessional and in my view deception and theft.

1 Message

5 months ago

Good call not to even consider the trade-in option, as many have reported [Edited: Inflammatory] related to it in the forums.




5 Messages

4 months ago

The Xfinity/Assurant trade-in program is a coordinated scam in my opinion. I just traded in an iPhone 12 Pro Max that had an Apple case and invisible shield protecting it for its entire life. The phone is in pristine condition with zero scuffs, scratches, chips or cracks. I sent it in it’s original packaging with all unused accessories and Assurant rejected the trade for “LCD Damage” and shipped it back to me wrapped in bubble wrap in a generic box. They kept my original box, SIM card and unused power cord. They rejected the phone on 09/29/24 but waited 8 days until after the promotion window has ended to notify me of the rejection and ship the phone back to me. The phone is still in pristine condition with zero damage so I will sell it elsewhere (for less money because Assurant stole my original packaging and accessories). Like many others on these forums, I am now 100% convinced that the trade-in program is a complete scam designed to move product and I will now be taking the 500.00+ per month that I spend on Xfinity services to other providers.

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

Mg2143 I appreciate you using the Xfinity Community Forums page to contact us. We never want our valued customers to feel misled by the amazing perks associated with our device trade-in program. If the device you sent in came back with a notice of LCD damage, this does not mean that the device would have physical damage in terms of scuffs, scratches or missing pieces. Rather, this is an issue that would impact the display on the device itself, and may be the reason for the confusion. That said, the last thing we would want is to lose you as a customer of Xfinity services. Perhaps there is a different promotional offer available to you that we can review.

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4 Messages

@Mg2143​ Definitely wish I would have read this before I went for my "trade". Now it is a HUGE hassle and I will be seeing a lawyer about it soon. But I will also be going to local news and investigators as well on the issue.

1 Message

4 months ago

Did you get the issue resolved?



5 Messages

I haven’t followed up yet, I was waiting on the status of my third and final device trade which Xfinity status shows as still not received by Assurant even though the post office confirms it was turned over to Assurant on 10/04/24. This is another common complaint about the program… So, I’m 1 for 3 with my trades as it stands now. Not planning on spending wasted hours on the phone with Xfinity/Assurant, will be lodging my complaints directly with BBB & FTC. It’s not unique to Xfinity, the forums for most providers are filled with the exact same issues. [Edited: "Soliciting"]


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6 Messages

I am in the same situation. Did you get it solved or file a complaint with BBB & FTC? I am not sure whether a small court claim will help.

4 Messages

3 months ago

Hello, I am in Same boat now, do any of you got a resolution on it.? its being two month with no status update on online portal but on chat and call represenatative are saying they recived the phone and you will get credits in 2 days then week now a month they are saying.

Official Employee


2.4K Messages

Greetings, user_z55flc! I apologize that you have been waiting for so long on the device return! I understand wondering what is happening with it. Once the device is graded, you should see the credit(s) apply on your next billing statement. 
Have you seen the package arrive to Assurant already or has it not shown delivered to them yet?
If it has arrived, are you seeing that the device has been graded? 
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@XfinityRay​ its being delivered from more than a month but status page still has not updated to even shipped status.

Official Employee


3K Messages

@user_z55flc Thank you for clarifying that for me. I'm happy to take a look on our end and see how we can best assist you. Please send us a DM with your full name and address to get started.

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1 Message

3 months ago

I added a line on 11/10 and upgraded my phone.  So I purchased a 14 and 15 iPhone.  On 11/14 they came out with a trade in offer for $500 off with a new line.  I called and asked for the credit since I just purchased the phones.  I was told I would have to return the 2 new phones and redo my order in order to get the credit.  It is ludicrous to have to jump through hoops for a lousy credit they are going to spread over 2 years.  Doesn't help that their customer service is not in the US and don't really understand what you are saying.  Going to be switching carriers.

4 Messages

IN THE EXACT SAME BOAT now. Except just one phone. Been on HOLD 1 hour with outsourced rep waiting for a supervisor.

1 Message

2 months ago

The same thing is currently happening to me. This issue has been on going for the past 6 months. I paid a fee to USPS to have them search their archive as it has been over 120 days since the phone was delivered. I spend hours on the phone trying to get ahold of a supervisor at Xfinity Mobile and Xfinity Corporate. I have proof my phone was delivered. Corporate claims they investigated thoroughly, however, they are still claiming that my phone was never delivered. I am ready to file a lawsuit of fraud at this point. It has been an on going head ache with them. 

4 Messages

[Edited: "Solicitation"] and its same with all provider whose trade in company is assurant. I 100% believe This Assurant is scaming them and they are recovering from us.


Official Employee


1.9K Messages


user_rk2qss I would be happy to put in a request to have one of our more advance mobile experts contact you to see if they can help. 

Can you send us a direct message with your full name, name of account holder (if different), and service address please?

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3 Messages

@user_rk2qss​ How do you go about paying USPS to track the return?  I don't have a tracking number because I never received a label via email.  I went to the Xfinity store and they printed me a label.  I never wrote down the tracking number before placing it in the mail.  I'm so frustrated. 

1 Message

2 months ago

Hello, word for word from your post I am going through this right now. Sent them my old phone for a $999 credit. Sent via shipping label sent to me by Xfinity and theyre telling me my phone went to a weonf address. The tracking number clearly shows that the device was recieved. Please let me know what/if anything that you tried woemws for you. They are refusing to put a supervisor on the phone. 

4 Messages

@user_j6xfje​ keep all

proofs of usps delivery ,your chat and phone if they are confirm they have your phone and [Edited: "Solicitation"]. This helped me get resolution fast


New Poster


16 Messages

2 months ago

Sounds so familiar, and I am so sorry you are also suffering with this.  In our case, we were offered $1,000 for our phones.  3 Months later we are still paying a monthly installment for 3 of the phones.  We also received the “Your trade in is cancelled” email.  I have all of the documentation showing all of our phones were received by Assurant by the deadline. Opened a ticket and was told that I need to wait 14 days for a response.  Still waiting.  So disappointing. 

1 Message

2 months ago

The Assurant location listed (Lewisville, TX) on the trade-in label is listed as "permanently closed."  The phone number on Assurant's website is disconnected.  I phoned Assurant corporate and was given two separate additional phone numbers for that location, both disconnected.  USPS showed receipt of my phone on 11/2 but it was not "picked up" until two weeks later.

Offshore Xfinity support is completely useless, they will just tell you what they think you want to hear.  They will also blatantly lie.

It's obvious Assurant is no longer running this facility and something very sketchy is happening.  I am filing a complaint with the USPS Postal Inspector and my state attorney general.  Separately, I am doing a chargeback with American Express for each bill in the amount of the credit I am due.

I am also aware that a class action firm is evaluating this issue as there are hundreds, maybe thousands of affected customers.  Xfinity will not address these stolen phones, you need to file a police report, and complain to the Postal Inspector.  This is organized interstate fraud.

2 Messages


I, too, am currently experiencing all of the problems related to this scam.  I have a complaint case tix with Xfinity and have spent hours gathering evidence, screenshots, emails, and voice recordings ( I only have one with the last representative I spoke to) to hire a lawyer or provide information for a class action lawsuit.  I recently called to check on my complaint tix. I talked to the first person who reviewed my case, and they reminded me that Xfinity never calls you with a promotion.  I told him that it most definitely was an Xfinity representative, and if not, I would file charges for a personal data breach, impersonating an Xfinity representative, and fraud on the part of Xfinity for allowing a third party to order devices on my personal Xfinity account. I expressed my intent to file a legal complaint and asked to speak with someone higher than himself to help resolve this scam. I was transferred to a lovely gentleman who told me that the Xfinity representative I talked to did not even mention that I needed to add another number to receive this promotion (which I probably would have accepted back then, but not now).  He acknowledged that this person misrepresented the promotion. Still, when he tried to get a resolution, he was told that I had accepted the terms of the agreement and that Xfinity could do nothing for me (yet). I am also filing a complaint with the USPS, the state attorney general, and the BBB.  I will not accept the current situation and am beyond disappointed with this experience.  

[Edited: "Soliciting"]

The first representative suggested that if I didn't want the new phones, he would send me alabels to return them to Xfinity!! ANd he made it clear that no representative would call me with a promotion when in fact, it WAS a Xfinity rep who called and never informed of me of the added line needed to get this promotion.  I don't belive anything anymore.


Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Thank you for reaching out to us @user_tttu1p! This is far from the experience we want you to have. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? To send a "Direct Message" to Xfinity Support:


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1 Message

1 month ago

Same thing just happened to me- I sent in a perfectly good phone for the trade in and they will not give me any credit, even though 3 employees saw my phone and agreed that it was in perfect condition.  They damaged it in the warehouse and are sending it back damaged.

Official Employee


2.8K Messages

Hey there, user_5e873f, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums regarding your account. We would be happy to help you with your trade-in details. 


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1 Message

1 month ago

My issue is I traded a perfectly working phone at Xfinity on 8/9/24 my Samsung flip 3 wasn't comparable with their services.They first offered me $800 thirty minutes later it decreased to $550. I was weary and wanted to keep my phone and previous service carrier. I agreed to the $550 trade. After the lady set up our phones and transferring the data to the new flip 6 she took my phone in the back and said Xfinity will send it off to their company who does the trade. I thought that was strange but I have always bought my phones from Samsung in full. I noticed my account and bill had not reflected the trade balance. I visited the same store and when they looked it up they said I had no trade in. I expressed who took care of us that day and the supervisor said it was sent out with the other phones the previous day. In the contract I could of got my phone back had I chose to void the trade in but my phone was sent off before the waiting period of doing so. Two months and still haven't received my phone. On 1/6/25 my phones screen gave out. I took it to Xfinity to see about the insurance and to my surprise it didn't have any nor was I ever offered it. I was also informed I needed to pay off the phone before I can get another. I was prepared to pay roughly $399 as I had a trade in. (Meanwhile the Xfinity site tells me I had a trade in but wasn't received yet) They told me I owed over $700 on a 4 month old phone that was never dropped or damaged in any way. The screen just never turned on and that's a problem with the flip phones. If I don't get my $550 that I was told I would get for my phone or my phone back I will contact a lawyer for theft and false advertisement. I never received my $200 prepaid Visa card that was a promotion at that time. I will not refer anyone to Xfinity for Mobile trade in. I pay for internet alone and it cost me $129.78 monthly witch is insanely high. Do better Xfinity!!

Official Employee


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Hello, @user_pp0w4n

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? To send a direct message:

1. In the top right corner, you'll see a little chat icon near the bell icon. Click the direct message icon

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5. Press Enter to send it. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond. Thanks!




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4 Messages

24 days ago

Same here, traded in a phone for the $1000 promotional credit over 24 months with a new iPhone 16 PRO MAX. 

Phone was accepted in good condition for the full promo (as per Xfinity email dated 10/17/2024). To this day haven't got the promo actually applied on my account. Called, chatted, and went to the Xfinity store multiple times. Keep getting told that I need to wait 1 more billing cycle. What a horrible experience. 

Was also sent to the Lewisville, TX, iirc. 

1 Message


same thing happened to me, I was offered $1000 credit for iPhone 16 pro.  Sent in my perfect condition iPhone and got a delivery confirmation from usps.  Called, chatted with Xfinity many times and they kept telling me the case will be resolved and I will get my credit.  But still never received the credit and they kept charging me for the full price of the iPhone 16.   I’m going to file the complaint with BBB.

Official Employee


3K Messages


user_ihtvij Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us here on our Xfinity Forums! This is never the experience we want for our valued customers and I would be happy to look into your trade in concern further. To get started, please send us a DM to Xfinity Support with your full name and address. 

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1 Message

17 days ago

Same thing happened to me. An iPhone 13 mini and iPhone SE. Both have not been credited after three months now and numerous calls. I really wish I didn’t change over carriers to Xfinity and will never recommend them to anyone. Unbelievable that a company of this size would use a company as unprofessional as assurent. The word will get out and Xfinity will have the reputation that they deserve. 

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Thank you for reaching out to us @user_0tunel! The trade in credits have been taking longer than initially estimated. I know I personally would be frustrated if I was waiting multiple months for the credit.


Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name, full address, email address, and phone number? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue. To send a "Direct Message" to Xfinity Support:


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