

31 Messages

Tuesday, August 1st, 2023 5:21 PM


Poor service, constant lies and forced to deal with overseas lying agents

This is the only opportunity I am going to give Xfinity Mobile to do the right thing before I have a demand letter sent to you.

I have had my fill of the constant bold face lies that are told to me by your illegally offshored "customer service" staff, aka lying, bullying extortionists. I chat in and ask for assistance with an issue, have texts to prove that I was told that the matter was resolved, only to find out that I was bold face lied to by someone who is only reading a script because that is the only English they know. Then they launch into the extortion script, followed by more lies and bully tactics when I request to speak with a US based agent. Oh right, I forgot, those apparently don't exist. 

I want someone who has the authority to do as I have requested to direct message me and fix the problem. If I do not receive assistance, I will have no option but to send a formal demand letter to have my demands accomodated. 

Official Employee


2K Messages

1 year ago

Hi there! Our awesome digital care team would be happy to assist you. Can you initiate a direct message and start with your full name and address? To start a message, you must be signed in. Please click the envelope icon in the top right of the page next to the bell, and send your message to "Xfinity Support". Talk to you there!

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