1 Message
Billing issue , store not honoring what was sold
Hello , 2 months back , I was in the xfinity store to browse some iPhone and the sales person Logan sold me an internet offer (1 gbps ) with 2 lines for 20$ each for 1st year and 30$ after 1st year
now I have been billed 30$ per line every month , which was not sold for me
when I visit the store questioning this , they agree that it was sold for 20$ and his manager Bud said he will resolve by adding credit but it’s been 2 weeks and no update and all my followup has been never replied
please let me know on to go about this ?
Anybody had similar problem? How did you go about fixing this ?
is disconnecting the service is the only option ?
Official Employee
1.5K Messages
2 months ago
Hey @user_6bqxo1 , Thank you for visiting our official Xfinity Forums Community support page. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience regarding your Xfinity Mobile bill. I would be more than happy to offer my assistance looking into this further for you. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.To send a "Direct Message":
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