Thursday, October 5th, 2023 8:47 PM


Adding a Line

I have been trying to add a line to my account for the past 3 weeks now. I have talked to 3 in store reps and 4 over the phone, with 1 being a level 2. All have taken my info and said I will get a follow up but all I have received is crickets. With a credit score of 820 I keep getting told I can not open anymore lines because I have 3 financed devices. In an effort to try and resolve this I paid off 2 of the 3 because the 3rd has a statement credit I am not willing to give up. Even after doing this and having a rep over the phone take an order for a line upgrade and an order for the new line, I was told I would receive confirmation in 24 hours. It is now 2 days later and nothing. I am about ready to call it quits with this company. I have been trying to give them more of my business but I guess they don't want it. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

Official Employee


744 Messages

1 year ago

Hello @user_r1yc2e thank you for taking the time to make this post and share your experience with us. We hate to hear that you have been having issues with getting a new line set up! Sadly, our team here is not able to assist with adding a new line as we do not currently have access to make changes to mobile accounts. I know you mentioned that you've called and visited a store and were not able to add a line that way, have you tried utilized our chat service to speak with a mobile expert that way since you paid off your devices?

[Edit: Fixed chat link]


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