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3.1K Messages

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 5:00 AM


Why the 30 second skip no longer working for On Demand

Its bad enough we can't FF that when viewing most  programs using On Demand to bypass commercials because of how networks control content  but we have gotten used to that BUT not being able to use the 30 sec skip is unacceptable and why have the function if we can't use it???  We can FF thru commercials when they are recorded so this 'control ' to force us to view commercials on programs not on the DVR is archaic.  I see that this was brought up years ago on the forums but its locked now I didn't see an  explanation.  We record so many programs and series  but sometimes the 'record all episodes' does not work well or we want to view a past episode of something and to have to deal with the commercials ....grrr. This week I decided to 'trial' watch some episodes of a show on USA that I had not set to record at all and could not skip thru it and I figured it was time to ask why not? Thanks



3.1K Messages

3 years ago

I posted this a long time ago and got 437 views but not one comment or reply from Comcast???  My question is valid.

Example from yesterday: There was a weather alert that lasted half way through a recorded episode of CBS I 'Heart' Abishola. I deleted the recording and went to Episodes to watch it from there and of course it was On Demand  and I could not skip. Message came up on the top right of the screen that said skip was not available and gave me the minute/seconds count to when the show would resume. HUH?




24.6K Messages

the 'alert system' actually pauses whatever you were watching (if on-demand) then changes you to an internal channel for live delivery of an alert in progress.

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3 years ago

when a show has recently aired, the on-demand version will often require you to sit through ads, but also not allow any fast forwarding at all in the more extreme cases. after enough time has passed since the initial airing of the show - i dont know the exact criteria for what is measured as "enough" time - then you can indeed fast forward through any parts of that same episode. it probably is a direct result of advertising that you are being forced to watch, presumably those sponsors pay to bring you the episode. with most shows however, you can use the big skip button, which with on-demand programs will skip ahead 10 minutes, then rewind. i hate commercials so much, that i often do this. but some shows wont let you skip forward at all - not even 30 seconds, which drives me nuts. anyway, watching forced ads and losing all FF'ing capability is the price paid for watching recently aired shows on-demand.

my guess is that it is a protocol script error of some sort - the advertisers dont care if you want to fast forward the show, they want to force the ads on you. but in some cases the show's content is not distinguished as separate from the ad content, so the FF is disabled altogether... 

edit: i should make a distinction that on my remote, i have no 30 second forward button. on dvr'd shows, the up arrow button skips forward 5 minutes, and on-demand it skips forward 10 minutes (and vice versa for the down arrow button). there is a "hack" that can change my remote to a 30 second forward configuration for the up arrow button, but it did not come that way when i got it. what sucks on this newer, fancier, tinier remote is that the 19 second rewind button is gone. i havent made the time for it but plan to go back to the old bigger remote specifically to get my 19 second rewind button back.. 




3.1K Messages

Its not just an issue on recently aired programs. We have not been able to use 30sec or 10min skip on anything On Demand in recent history. Those skip functions are  provided by Xfinity so if  the advertisers/networks don't  'allow' it any longer then what is the point of Xfinity offering skip as a function 'perk'. As soon as I typed that I figure that 'skip' will be the next thing they will take away from us.  One of the  most useful tools.......recording buffer.......was taken away long ago supposedly due to some patent issue which we kept being told was being resolved but yet???? I guess they assume that over time we will just stop complaining and they were right.....no discussion on the useful functions being taken away for a long time and I suspect that the complaints concerning  the skip function will join them in the abyss of what we have lost and cannot get back. Recent examples are ability to text from computer and the removal of the Xfinity connect app for email. Did those functions really cost Comcast big bucks? I doubt it but yet poof...gone. They both added quality.

Meanwhile they add bells and whistles  that are not universal in nature and geared to select portions of the viewing audience. Its nice to add streaming services that customers can sign up for AND pay for but what about general functionality that ALL can take advantage of? We pay over $200 for standard/premium programming and sure cannot afford to add those other services and neither can many others.   We are not ALL young professionals on the move (so to speak) . As older customers (age and length ) who are retired on fixed income its almost discriminatory . What we pay for is more than adequate for our entertainment pleasure. What we need is the functionality to make viewing more convenient and  easier and thats what keeps being taken away or become unusable. 

In closing I loathe that new remote.




4 Messages

I just ordered the new box, as some pop-up said I had to if I wanted to watch internet programming, even though I can watch some internet programming already. I do not pay for or use any streaming services. Are you saying the old dark gray remote is better? That I should return this new box?

I could NEVER do without the 30 second ff or 15 second rw. Even if it means using some archaic box until the last day Comcast supports it.

So please be clear on what is going on. Can the new remote/box do the 30 second "hack"? How about the 15? What is this weird 19 second button the other guy mentioned?

Tell me every reason not to accept this new box, thank you. 




4 Messages


Please read my other comment.



1 Message

3 years ago

I have had xfinity service for a while and I believe there was a time where the On Demand content didn't have commercials.  As the years progressed, this changed little by little.  Some commercials appeared, but you could skip past with no issue.  Now being forced to sit through the commercials is insulting. 

Like many people, we subscribe to other streaming platforms:

  • Netflix - a subscription fee, no commercials
  • Amazon Prime - a subscription fee, some commercials about original shows, but can skip.  Even has a skip feature.
  • Hulu - If you choose, a paid version with no commercials, can skip through the show forward or backwards with no issues.
  • Disney+ - subscription fee, no commercials, can skip forward or backwards with no issues
  • xfinity - a monthly payment for bundled services.  Offers On Demand content that is not consistent with skipping past commercials.  Some channels skipping works sometimes, however it seems like if you skip too much, you are forced to sit though extra commercials to make up for what you skipped through.  Some channels skipping through the commercials doesn't work at all.  

In summary, it is clear to anyone reading through this post and others similar to it that we the consumer do not like commercials.  They are antiquated advertising that doesn't seem to work in any way other than to annoy the customer.  Other platforms specifically cite "commercial free" as part of their service.  xfinity should evolve and remove commercials from On Demand content, or at least let the consumer skip past with no issue.

My wife and I have been looking for a reason to unplug.  We're not alone in this, many friends and coworkers feel the same.  With other options like Starlink being viable options in the future, platforms like xfinity will go by the way of the dodo bird if they don't adapt better and start listening to their customers. We literally only need it for internet at this point.  It is clear that securing advertising as part of the On Demand content only serves to boost profits at the expense of the customer.  



4 Messages

@user_e7cb87 I don't watch much On Demand, however I haven't noticed what you said outside of fast forward being locked out half the time. Which you can awesomely bypass with the 30 second skip. I would not watch On Demand if it made me watch commercials, that would be ridiculous. Half the time I watch it's because I already recorded it on my DVR, and the end cut off; I shouldn't have to watch a single commercial to get to the last 5 minutes of the show. I also should be able to get their however I want, including voice: "fast forward 55 minutes", but I agree all that is locked out ~half the time. But try the 30 second skip, it should work.

I don't subscribe to streaming services outside of music. I feel it's going backwards by cutting something that has everything I need and then trying to piece together multiple half-assed streaming services instead of just keeping a proper cable package with a DVR. But depends what you watch. I dunno, I just could never see myself without Comcast, I've had it since I can remember in the late 80s.

Anything else I just download/torrent (movies) or stream (UFC etc.) for free. I pay Comcast plenty. More than people are paying streaming services who cut the cord.

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