129 Messages
Confused About "Max"
I am confused about Max On Demand. There is a movie I'd like to watch that, according to everything I've read, is offered on Max On Demand. I thought Max was included in my plan and looking at my account seems to confirm this (screenshot says Max is included in my plan) yet this movie isn't showing up and I'm wondering if what Xfinity calls "Max" is somehow different from the "Max" that everyone talks about when talking about Max On Demand?
Just to be clear... even if we are already paying for and receiving Max/HBO, we do not get Max On Demand movies? So... what... only HBO movies are listed On Demand here? Isn't HBO and Max the same company? I'm sorry, I'm just very confused right now. Can someone offer some clarity on what exactly the "Max" that is "included" in this screenshot is supposed to be and how it differs, if at all, from what most people think of when they think of "Max" and it's On Demand component?
Official Employee
1.1K Messages
5 hours ago
OldeFatGuy thank you for using the Community Forums page to reach out today. I understand that you are trying to access a program on Max and having some difficulty accessing it. In our household accessing your favorite streaming content can make or break an evening, so I know how impactful this can be. Can you share with me which movie in particular it is that you are trying to view? I know that Max itself is the larger entity and to my knowledge it encompasses Max On Demand and Live TV content.