2 Messages
Accidentally remove program from my list
I accidentally removed a program that is no longer being played. I can still access it but would like to just go through my list. When I go to the program info, there isn’t the + there to add to my list. Help
New Poster
7 Messages
4 months ago
If I remember correctly if the program is not playing as it's on hiatus, or between seasons, I don't believe there is any way to add it back to your list until it starts airing again. Once it shows up in the guide again, the option to add it back to your list should be there.
Official Employee
2.4K Messages
4 months ago
Hello, @user_fuc5u1 sorry for the inconvenience. This is an issue we have recently discovered. At this time there is not a workaround or ETA for resolution. Our engineers will continue to work on this issue and provide an update.