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ANSWERED: How to pair an Xfinity Camera from the Touchscreen
What you'll need
- Xfinity Home
- The complete kit for the camera you want to install
- Access to your security router or gateway device
- Access to your touchscreen
- Your Master Keypad Code
Pair a camera
The Xfinity Home touchscreen provides guided steps to help you pair and install a camera.
The process involves five main steps:
- Identify your camera
- Prepare and test your system
- Assemble and connect your camera
- Pair your camera
- Install your camera
Did you know? You can only pair one camera at a time. You'll need to repeat this process for each camera you want to pair.
Identify your camera
Identify your camera. Pairing instructions depend on the model.
Prepare and test your system
- Make sure your router and touchscreen are both connected to your in-home network. If you've lost network connectivity, see how to reset your touchscreen.
- On your Home screen:
- Swipe up to open the dashboard (if applicable), tap the gear icon, then tap Devices.
- Or, if your touchscreen has apps, tap Settings.
- Enter your Master Keypad Code.
- On the Categories screen, tap Home Devices.
- On the Home Devices screen, tap Cameras.
- On the Cameras screen, tap Add a Camera.
- If this is the first time you're adding a camera, tap Next to run a network test. Tap Skip to continue without running the test.
- When the network test is finished, tap Next.
- On the Hardware Setup screen, do not tap Next. It's time to assemble your camera.
Assemble and connect your camera
Camera assembly steps are slightly different depending on the camera model.
Assemble and connect your Xfinity Camera
- Review the camera kit to make sure you have all the necessary parts.
- Connect the Y-cable to the XW3 unit (WiFi/power adapter) and the yellow cable to your gateway device (port 2 on XB6 Gateways, port 4 on XB3 gateways) or the WNR 1000 security router (all ports are active).
- Plug the Ethernet cable attached to the camera into the CAMERA port of the Y-cable.
- Plug the XW3 WiFi/power adapter into a power outlet that is not controlled by a light switch.
- Wait for the camera to power up, which can take up to three minutes. When the light on the front of the camera is blinking blue, your camera is ready for pairing.
Assemble and Connect Other Camera Models
- Review the camera kit to make sure you have all of the parts, including an optional antenna if your camera comes with one.
- If your camera has a stand, attach it to the back of the camera.
- If your camera has an antenna, attach it.
- If your kit has a splitter cable, attach one end of the Ethernet cable to the camera, and attach the other end to the splitter cable labeled Camera.
If your kit does not have a splitter cable, attach one end of the Ethernet cable to the camera. - If your kit has a splitter cable, connect the splitter cable to an available port on the back of your WNR 1000 security router (all ports are active) or gateway device (port 4). Connect the splitter cable's power adapter to the camera's black power cable.
If your kit does not have a splitter cable, connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to an available port on the back of your WNR 1000 security router or gateway device. Connect the camera's black power cable to the power port on the back of the camera. - Plug the camera's power adapter into a power outlet that is not controlled by a light switch.
- Wait for the camera to power up, which can take up to three minutes. When the lights on the front of the camera stop blinking and remain solid, your camera is ready for pairing.
Pair your camera
Once you've assembled and connected your camera and the light on the front of the camera is blinking blue, you can return to your touchscreen, and pick up where you left off in the Prepare and Test Your System section.
If you haven't prepared your system yet, go back to that step, and do so now.
- On the Hardware Setup screen, tap Next.
- When the system locates the camera, tap Accept.
- The system pairs the camera and checks for firmware updates, which can take up to 20 minutes.
- Having Problems? If your camera won't pair with your touchscreen, see camera troubleshooting steps.
- When the system has finished pairing the camera, tap Next.
- On the Edit New Camera screen, name the camera's intended location, such as "Front Door Camera."
- Tap Next.
Congratulations! You've paired your camera. Now it's time to install it.
Install your camera
Once you have successfully paired your camera, you're ready to install it.
Plug in your Xfinity Camera to its power supply
- Disconnect your camera from the router or gateway device.
- Unplug the Y-cable from the Ethernet cable, the security router or gateway device, and the power cord. The Y-cable isn't used during normal camera operation, but keep the cable in case you ever need to reset and re-pair the camera.
- Connect the camera Ethernet cable to the LAN port of the XW3 unit (WiFi/power adapter).
Plug in other camera models
If your camera has a splitter cable:
- Disconnect your camera from the router or gateway device.
- Disconnect the splitter cable from the Ethernet cable, the security router or gateway device, and the black power cord. The splitter cable isn't used during normal camera operation, but keep the cable in case you ever need to reset and re-pair the camera.
- If you're installing the camera outdoors, remove the Ethernet cable from the camera, slide the weather seal over the end of the cable, and reattach the cable to the camera. Slide the weather seal down so it's tight against the camera back.
- One end of the Ethernet cable should still be connected to the camera. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the black adapter cable. Then, connect the adapter cable to the camera power cord.
If your camera doesn't have a splitter cable:
- Disconnect your camera from the router or gateway device.
- If you're installing the camera outdoors, remove the power cord from the camera and connect it to one end of the power cable extender. Slide the weather seal over the other end of the extender and attach the extender to the camera. Slide the weather seal down so it's tight against the camera back.
- Remove the Ethernet cable from the camera and the security router or gateway device.
- Take the camera to the location where you want to install it. Plug the power cord into a power outlet that is not controlled by a light switch.
- Wait for the camera to power up, which can take up to three minutes. When the light(s) on the front of the camera stop blinking and remain solid, return to the touchscreen.
- On theCamera Wi-Fi Connection Testscreen, tapVerify Camera.
- When the system has located the camera, tapNext.
- Verify that the image from the camera appears on the touchscreen.
- Place the camera on a flat surface or mount it to a wall using the provided screws and anchors. If you're mounting your camera outside, learn about some useful tips.
- After placing or mounting the camera, adjust its angle to your desired view. When you're finished, tapNexton theAdjust Camera screen.
Congratulations! You have successfully paired and installed your camera. You can now view live video from the camera from the touchscreen.
Did you know?
24/7 Video Recording continuously records video and bookmarks video clips when your Camera detects motion. Visit Xfinity 24/7 Video Recording to learn more.
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