5 Messages
new xb7 white modem: now landline no dial tone
installed the new white modem
I had a BLUE cable that goes from the back of the computer to the modem that was in position 2 on the back of the black modem
on the new white modem, it doesn't fit into the top phone ports (outlined in white) so have it in port #2 (the 4 outlined in yellow) and there is a tiny green light blinking on it
but, now no dial tone
isn't that for the landline phone
I have a regular phone line (luckily had a fax hooked up on a nearby printer) that works if I plug it into the phone port 1
why would I now have to use a regular phone line with the new modem when i didn't with the older black modem?
5 Messages
5 months ago
Oops it is the Xb8-T modem not XB7
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
5 months ago
The top two RJ11 jacks on the XB8 are for use with Comcast/Xfinity home phone service. The slightly larger bottom 4 RJ45 jacks are Ethernet for connection to the Internet. You wouldn't those bottom jacks for telephone service unless you have a subscription with one of the other VOIP phone service providers like "Vonage for Home" or similar. They won't work with Comcast/Xfinity's home phone service.
I'm afraid that the color of a cable jacket doesn't really tell us anything about it's purpose, or how it is connected. Blue is a common color for Ethernet cable jackets, but many other colors are possible. Telephone cable jackets are typically beige, but can be anything.
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