Hi there @user_l5viys! n Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to Xfinity Support here on our Community Forum. We are so glad to hear from you and happy to assist in any way that we can with your landline voicemails. At this time using the Xfinity App is not yet a way to manage your voicemail. Are you having any issue with accessing your voicemails you need assistance with?
Official Employee
2K Messages
1 year ago
Hi there @user_l5viys! n Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to Xfinity Support here on our Community Forum. We are so glad to hear from you and happy to assist in any way that we can with your landline voicemails. At this time using the Xfinity App is not yet a way to manage your voicemail. Are you having any issue with accessing your voicemails you need assistance with?