Thursday, December 26th, 2024 5:38 AM


Username change

I would like to change my username that I use on this forum to something else. I read that we can't do it through normal settings and that we have to get in contact with admins 

Official Employee


3K Messages

3 months ago

Thank you for reaching out @user_4bs934 Have you reviewed the link: https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/getting-started/getting-started-in-the-xfinity-help-support-forum/602d9c64c5375f08cd573fd2 that shows where you can find your username and edit?



4 Messages

Hello @XfinityDena - the getting started page shows the forum username as editable but when I go to Profile (icon)/Profile Settings/ the username is grayed out and not editable. I think you can enter a username when creating an account but after the account is created only ADMINS can change our usernames. When I created my account a long time ago there was no username as far as I can remember. So my guess is that Comcast assigned one to me randomly when usernames were implemented and hence I never had the opportunity to create one. Or, I just didn't notice the username field when I registered although I think I would have. I tried sending a message to "Xfinity Support" requesting they change my username. No response yet (just been 20 minutes). Is there anything else I should do? Thank you.


8 Messages

Yes I noticed the same thing. I'm trying to edit mine, and it'd not letting me. I read on Google that you have to contact admins to change it. I dont even remember them giving me the option to chose my own username in the beginning 

8 Messages

@XfinityDena​ yeah, it's not giving .e the option. It's all greyed out. I had Googled it and it told me that the only way you can change it is to contact admins. I don't even remember it giving me the option to chose my own username in the 1st place

Official Employee


4K Messages

3 months ago

Hello @user_4bs934 & @SkipperGreg! We appreciate you both being customers with us and for utilizing our Xfinity Community Forum. My team is here to support you and would love to get your username updated for you. I do apologize for any complications experienced on your end when trying to update the username yourself. If you have not done so already, please send us a Direct Message so that we can assist you with this. Here are the detailed steps to direct message us: 
 • Click "Sign In" if necessary
 • Click the "Direct Message icon” (upper right corner of this page)
 • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
 • Type "Xfinity Support" in the To line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
 • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
 • Press Enter to send your message

Please also note, sending unsolicited direct messages is a violation of our forum guidelines. You must first create a Public post requesting assistance, and once a Comcast verified employee responds and asks for a direct message to be sent, you can then proceed with doing so. This is just a heads-up for future reference, but we look forward to further assisting you. 



4 Messages

My username was successfully changed. I sent an Xfinity Forum DM (the message icon next to your user profile icon) to “Xfinity Support” with the request for a username change and provided my desired username plus options in case it was taken.  For example, “SkipperGreg” but if taken add a number to it starting with 1 and increasing until a name is available. They made the change and confirmed via DM reply within 12 hours so this worked!

Problem making this request via a comment in a post is if the post is old it will be closed and you can’t comment. Also, it’s publicly displayed, which is an issue if you want to include your email for clarity on who you are. Problem with trying to DM a person like “XfinityAmara” is it only seems to work if you are online. So I recommend just sending a DM to “Xfinity Support.” Cheers.


Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

3 months ago

@SkipperGreg wrote: "... So I recommend just sending a DM to “Xfinity Support.” ... "

Note that, as stated above, using Direct Messaging before you have been asked to do so is considered a violation of the Forum Acceptable Use Policy. See https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/guidelines/xfinity-forum-acceptable-use-policy/602d9c64c5375f08cd574236.

Somewhat oddly, the rule is hidden under the "Troll or spam" heading:

... Trolling behavior includes ... sending ... unsolicited direct messages ...

You are encouraged to first post a description of your question or problem in the appropriate Forum topic section without including any personal information. If personal information is needed you'll be asked to provide it in a private Direct Message.

Please be aware that there are 2 kinds of responses in this Forum: Replies and Comments. When you Comment on a post by scrolling down to "Comment on this post here...", I am notified of your response. But if you select Reply, I am NOT notified and may not be aware of your response.



4 Messages


i think you are not interpreting the code of conduct accurately. The full sentence is: “Trolling behavior includes purposely harassing a particular member, employee, moderator, or administrator, sending them rude or unwanted/unsolicited direct messages, etc..”. So, first, sending a DM to “Xfinity Support” is not contacting a specific person. It’s general inbox monitored by a variety of people, I assume. Second, what is the point of having a “Xfinity Support” utility if you must post first? That’s like saying you can’t call the Xfinity support line unless you filed a ticket first. And, third, unsolicited is in the context of unwanted. I don’t think a legit support question posed to “Xfinity Support” would be “unwanted.” I do appreciate that sending an unsolicited DM to a member of the forum or “XfinityJoe” would be in violation of the code of conduct. But that’s not what I was suggesting. I was only suggesting sending a DM to Xfinity Support. Having said all that, are you saying we can’t send messages to Xfinity Support without first posting a comment? If so, what’s the rationale? And, why did they not tell me that when I sent the DM? Cheers.



4.2K Messages

Hello @SkipperGreg! As it's stated in the Forums Guidelines we want to keep things as public as much as possible as the Xfinity forum works as a Peer to Peer help, so what @BruceW has mentioned still stands as correct. Regardless of what type of help you need you will always want to make a public post first in case you reach out to us after hours, another user may have the answer to your issue. The following is a part of the guidelines:

  • Keep it public The best communities have most conversations happening in the public boards. This helps to ensure that our users get the fastest most accurate response possible provided by other user or our Official Employees. This also serves to benefit other users who may have a similar question. When interacting with an employee we will always try to keep as much of the conversation in that public thread, but know we may ask you for a private message if we need to discuss your account specific details. To help maintain our forum design, we ask that you never send unsolicited/unwanted private messages to any employee or user in these forums unless specifically asked to do so.

Xfinity Support is still a group of Xfinity employees regardless if it's specific. I also apologize this was not mentioned during your interaction, but glad to see we were able to get your username updated! If you need further assistance please feel free to start a new post.


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