6 Messages
xumo remote voice control
So far, once I implemented steps I found in this forum, I have been able to get my xumo box up and running (and staying connected - for now) but the voice control for the remote does not work. Anyone else?
6 Messages
So far, once I implemented steps I found in this forum, I have been able to get my xumo box up and running (and staying connected - for now) but the voice control for the remote does not work. Anyone else?
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
1 year ago
If your voice commands aren't recognized, make sure you're speaking clearly and at a natural, conversational volume. Hold the remote one to eight inches away while giving a command and hold down the Voice (Microphone) button until you're done talking. If you're still having trouble, consider whether there are other sources of noise near you that may be interfering with your voice commands.
The battery levels in your remote could also have an impact on voice commands. To check your battery level, visit the About section of the X1 Settings, Xumo Stream Box Settings, or Flex Settings menu. If your battery level is red or yellow, try changing your batteries. If your remote has low battery power, you’ll see a notification that says, “Voice Commands cannot be processed due to critically low remote battery.”
1 Message
10 months ago
How to connect a Bluetooth speaker to the xumo box
New Poster
4 Messages
9 months ago
does the xfinity XR15 voice remote work with the xfinity xumo stream box?
1 Message
9 months ago
I am having similar problems with remote. Worked for a couple of days now when I press the microphone it says "Hello what would you like to do?" but when i speak nothing happens. Eventually it must time out and says "That didn't work. Press the voice button to try again." I have unpaired and repaired the remote numerous times. I have only had this for 1 week and NOT impressed. The flex box was much better.
1 Message
8 months ago
How do I turn off voice assist?