1 Message
Soap opera effect on 4K?
I use my xfinity stream box frequently and it is fairly easy to setup.
On watching 4K content, there's frequently a television setting I cannot undo. Different tv's, devices have a setting called "clear action." Instead of a motion picture type view, the program looks "live," and unnatural. Are 4k programs converted using what some call, "The soap opera effect?"
I can change any settings, but it looks the same. I even tried 4k/30fps. Help?
Gold Problem Solver
5.9K Messages
2 years ago
I would find "You Tube" on your television's apps. Play a 4K video found on "You Tube". Make sure the video is actually 4K by checking stats. there. Some people accidently upload a 4K video in default 720P mode. Now compare this video to what you are seeing now on Xfinity Stream. I suspect the Xfinity equipment may be causing the problem.
Official Employee
1.5K Messages
2 years ago
Thank you very much for reaching out to us here @12bArS. In the Settings menu under Preferences and General you can verify that the prefer best available resolution is on, or off if you would like. There is also an option in the device settings there to change or modify the video resolution settings.