Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 3:59 PM


Picture Quality not even HD when using a full 4k setup

Hello, I recently purchased a brand new Samsung Neo QLED 4k Television (2023) to watch 4k Ultra HD content, we noticed out Tv Channels were looking pretty bad so we:

-pressed the Xfinity button on our remote

-went to settings 

-device settings 

-video display

And we noticed that we were only seeing 1080p using our television, which meant we had to upgrade out Xfinity TV Box

And so we did! We went to the Xfinity store, talked to the employees, explained our situation and we were able to Upgrade out TV Box to support 4k, we also went the extra mile and Upgraded our internet Modem to ensure great quality 

And here is the Problem… the television looks amazing using Netflix, Disney+ and other built in applications on the TV, but as soon as we switch the Input to show normal Television Channels it looks very poor quality 

I’ve done countless hours of research and I cannot find an accurate solution. 

-is it because TV channels on Comcast only show HD content and not 2k/4k so quality will always look bad? or what would be the issue 

(Even my HDMI input information shows the input signal is 3840x2160 (4k) but the quality looks worse than 1080p)

Official Employee


614 Messages

1 year ago

@user_dtn4xh Sounds like you have an awesome setup. We would be happy to look into any picture quality issues with you. 

Please send us a DM with your full name and address to Xfinity Support. 

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Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

1 year ago

If you are watching Comcast cable channels, the best you will see is only 720p. The lower channels are only 420p. 

2 Messages

Yeah after a bit of research I saw that every 4k television such as this one has to “Upscale” almost every single TV channel since there are none that stream in UHD

it just baffles me since more than 50%
of televisions around the globe are 4k TVs

Which means that almost everyone has the same problems as we do with watching normal Channels 

There aren’t any 4k or UHD Channels available from Comcast?

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